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This introduces the symposium on financial economics.
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We analyze the impact of (alliance) network exposure on the speed and extent of adoption of the business model as being one explanatory factor for diffusion controlling for actor specific characteristics and embeddedness in the network. In order to explain how existing national regulation...
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In this paper we describe the methodologies that can be used for stress testing credit risk providing some applications to the Italian banking system.Within the FSAP for Italy, stress tests examined the impact of a variety of shocks on the nine major Italian banking groups. The tests were...
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In this paper we describe the methodologies that can be used for stress testing credit risk providing some applications to the Italian banking system.Within the FSAP for Italy, stress tests examined the impact of a variety of shocks on the nine major Italian banking groups. The tests were...
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E cikk az új, feltehetően 2007-ben életbe lépő Bázel II. tőkeegyezményben a hitelkockázatok számszerűsítésére alkalmazott közgazdasági modellt és annak matematikai hátterét mutatja be. A modell olyan leegyszerűsítő feltevéseket használ a csődfolyamatok modellezésére...
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The macroprudential regulatory framework of Basel III imposes the same minimum capital and liquidity requirements on all banks around the world to ensure global competitiveness of banks. Using an agent-based model of the financial system, we find that this is not a robust framework to achieve...
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In attempting to promote international financial stability, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2006) provided a framework that sought to control the amount of tail risk that large banks around the world would take in their trading books relative to their corresponding minimum capital...
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This study explores the role of the credit securitisation process in managing the credit risk amount of the banking loan portfolio, when the bank originator retains a residual equitylike class as illiquid first loss position (FLP). An Importance Sampling Monte Carlo simulation model has been...
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This paper evaluates the optimal bail-out and bail-in mix in the case of bankruptcy of Banco Espírito Santo (BES), SA, the second largest Portuguese private bank. The solution after the crisis of the BES, was to partition the bank into a good bank (Novo Banco (New Bank)) and keep the toxic...
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This paper examines how banks around the world have resized and reallocated their earning assets in response to the subprime and sovereign debt crises. We also focus on the interaction between sovereign debt and the asset allocation process. We find that banks have readjusted asset shares and...
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