Showing 51 - 60 of 4,099
Welche Chancen bieten neue Produktionstechnologien im Kontext der Industrie 4.0 für Hochlohnstandorte, um gegenüber Niedriglohnstandorten wettbewerbsfähiger zu werden und unter Umständen sogar verlagerte Produktion zurückzuholen? Dies wird im vorliegenden Discussion Paper anhand einer...
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Electric vehicle drives offer a number of advantages over conventional internal combustion engines, especially in terms of lower local emissions, higher energy efficiency, and decreased dependency upon oil. Yet there are significant barriers to the rapid adoption of electric cars, including the...
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Elektrische PKW-Antriebe bieten im Vergleich zu konventionellen Verbrennungsmotoren viele Vorteile, insbesondere geringere lokale Emissionen, eine höhere Energieeffizienz und eine geringere Mineralölabhängigkeit. Andererseits stellen Batterietechnik, Anschaffungskosten und Ladeinfrastruktur...
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Starting from CO2 emissions data collected during both the production phase and during the lifetime of cars and trucks, we argue that impressive opportunities to reduce emissions can be found in the consumption phase. It is however obvious that energy taxes alone will not lead to a strong...
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Teil- und vollautonome Fahrzeuge sind neben alternativen Antriebssystemen wie der Elektromobilität einer der Megatrends in der Automobilindustrie. Die damit verbundene Vernetzung öffnet die Autoindustrie auch für potenzielle Neueinsteiger aus der Elektronikindustrie und der...
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The disclosure of the VW emission manipulation scandal caused a quasi-experimental market shock in the observable quality of VW diesel vehicles. We consider a classical model for adverse selection and sorting to derive an empirically testable hypothesis about the impact of observable quality on...
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This paper evaluates product efficiency in the Spanish automobile market. We use non parametric frontier techniques in order to estimate product efficiency scores for each model. These scores reflect the minimum price for which each car could be sold, given the bundle of tangible features it...
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The aim of this paper is to determine the degree of implementation of certain work practices of reflexive production and lean production, individually and jointly, in Catalonia direct suppliers firms of OEM. We present the results of a survey, which examines various items about the degree of...
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In the current paper, we quantify the effect that fuel prices have on vehicle prices' responsiveness to fuel economy. We apply a hedonic price model to the German automobile market by using data on detailed technical specifications of high-sales vehicles of three sequential model years. In the...
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We provide the combination of the Asian automotive trade case study and the analysis of indicators that may potentially reflect product quality. We try to assess the relevance of different indicators (particularly, weighted unit value, number of export lines, market share, Grubel-Lloyd index and...
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