Showing 91 - 100 of 5,012
Spanish Abstract: El aumento en el área cultivada con coca en Colombia ha generado dudas con respecto a la estrategia antinarcóticos del país, y ha estimulado el escepticismo con respecto a las posibilidades de lograr una paz completa y definitiva. Asimismo, la percepción de fracaso ha dado...
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Spanish Abstract: Este artículo presenta una aproximación teórica a la relación causal entre el precio de los recursos naturales y las trampas de pobreza para el caso de un país productor de minerales. Partiendo de un modelo de generaciones traslapadas donde las decisiones de ahorro,...
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Spanish Abstract: En las últimas décadas se han tramitado 11 reformas a la legislación tributaria en Colombia. Los numerosos cambios a los que se ha enfrentado la legislación tributaria colombiana convierten al país en uno de los países con mayor variabilidad en las reglas tributarias. Con...
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The increase in the area cultivated with coca in Colombia has cast doubt on the country's anti-drug strategy and has encouraged skepticism about the possibility of a complete and definitive peace. Furthermore, this perception of failure has given rise to policy proposals based on the idea that...
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Spanish Abstract: Los consumidores problemáticos de sustancias psicoactivas enfrentan riesgos de salud excepcionalmente altos. Sin embargo, por razones diversas, estos individuos no acuden a servicios de salud con la frecuencia que se requiere dadas sus condiciones de salud. La estrategia CAMAD...
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We present a theoretical argument to identify the conditions under which a firm prefers to invest in factor saving innovations rather than neutral innovations. We prove that incentives to invest in factor saving innovations positively depend on i) total factor productivity and ii) the scarcity...
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Increases in capital shares affect the marginal productivity of capital, stimulating capital accumulation. Can a decrease in labor shares reduce the supply of labor? We explore this question using a model of fertility inspired by Caldwell (1982) and Boldrin and Jones (2002). Individuals may...
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We claim that the standard methodology to study the effects of the reallocation of factors on growth is not adequate in the presence of biased innovations. Labor-saving innovations increase output per worker and may decrease the marginal productivity of labor. Therefore, a reallocation of labor...
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Variation in factor shares, extensively documented in recent years, implies that standard growth accounting exercises are plagued by measurement issues. First, the standard assumption of constant shares generates a bias in the estimation of the contribution of factors to economic growth. Second,...
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The book Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty (2014) has renewed the public and scholar debate about wealth and income inequality. Theoretical critiques have focused their attention on a regularity pointed out by the author, namely, the growth rate of the economy is lower than...
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