Showing 41 - 50 of 48,299
A hosszú ciklus nyoma megtalálható az Egyesült Államok növekedési adataiban is. A dolgozat első része e ciklus elméletét és elmélettörténeti előzményeit foglalja össze. A második rész a ciklus meghatározásának nehézségeit és első eredményeit elemzi. A paraméterek...
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A második világháború után fellendülő és a hetvenes évek közepén tetőző hosszú gazdasági hullám (a negyedik felismert Kondratyevciklus) leszálló ágának kényszerei szabják meg ma mindenütt a gazdasági élet rugalmas, de át nem hágható korlátait. Sok jel mutat azonban...
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We study the implications of having different sources of nominal rigidities on the relationship between productivity growth and shocks volatility in a model with procyclical R&D and imperfect competition in goods and labour markets. We show that the effects of uncertainty on long-term growth not...
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We study optimal monetary policy in a New Keynesian (NK) model with endogenous growth and knowledge spillovers external to each firm. We find that, in contrast with the standard NK model, the Ramsey dynamics implies deviation from full inflation targeting in response to technology and government...
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This paper develops a monetary endogenous growth overlapping generations model characterized by production lags - specically lagged capital inputs - and an in ation targeting monetary authority, and analyses the growth dynamics that emerge from this framework. The growth process is endogenized...
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This paper develops a monetary endogenous growth overlapping generations model characterized by production lags - specifically lagged capital inputs - and an inflation targeting monetary authority, and analyses the growth dynamics that emerge from this framework. The growth process is...
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Using a finance-constrained model, as in Barinci and Cheron (2001), this paper examines the role of procyclical and countercyclical tax rates on labor and capital income in aggregate fluctuations driven by the beliefs of agents. The analysis shows that the cyclicality of labor income tax rate...
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We study the effects of real uncertainty on long-run growth under different Taylor-type rules. We fi…nd a non-negligible relationship between real uncertainty and growth, which depends on the source of real uncertainty as well as the type of the Taylor rule considered. Importantly, when...
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We study Ramsey monetary policy in a New Keynesian (NK) model with endogenous growth and knowledge spillovers external to each firm. We find that in contrast with the standard NK model, the Ramsey dynamics implies deviation from full inflation targeting in response to technology and government...
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We study the implications of having different sources of nominal rigidities on the relationship between productivity growth and shocks volatility in a model with pro-cyclical R&D and imperfect competition in goods and labour markets. We show that the effects of uncertainty on long-term growth...
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