Showing 51 - 60 of 91
Testing of various classes of life distributions has been a subject of investigation for more than four decades. In this study we restrict ourselves to the problem of testing exponentiality against non-monotonic aging notions. We model non-monotonic aging using the notions of bathtub failure...
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In this paper we consider the problem of determining the number of structural changes in multiple linear regression models via group fused Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator ). We show that with probability tending to one our method can correctly determine the unknown number...
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The quest of the mean change point with innovations in the domain of attraction of a κ-stable law appears to still be ongoing. We adopt the residual CUSUM of squares test (RCUSQ) and derive its null asymptotic distribution, which is dependent on stable index κ. Then a residual-based...
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This paper considers a mean shift with a unknown change point in α-mixing processes with κ stable innovations and estimates the unknown change point by the robust nonparametric CUSUM estimator based on the indicators of the data minus the sample median. The strong convergence rate of the...
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Economic and financial data often take the form of a collection of curves observed consecutively over time. Examples include, intraday price curves, yield and term structure curves, and intraday volatility curves. Such curves can be viewed as a time series of functions. A fundamental issue that...
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This paper studies the estimation of change point in panel models. We extend Bai (2010) and Feng, Kao and Lazarová (2009) to the case of stationary or nonstationary regressors and error term, and whether the change point is present or not. We prove consistency and derive the asymptotic...
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This paper examines the asymptotic inference for AR(1) models with a possible structural break in the AR parameter β near the unity at an unknown time k₀. Consider the model y_{t}=β₁y_{t-1}I{t≤k₀}+β₂y_{t-1}I{tk₀}+ε_{t}, t=1,2,⋯,T, where I{⋅} denotes the indicator function. We...
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The purpose of this study was to assess changes in streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande (URG) basin, as it exits the San Luis Valley (SLV) at the Lobatos gauge station, in relation to changes in local environmental drivers. Irrigation-dependent agriculture accounts for more than 85% of surface and...
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Owing to the increasing anthropogenic activities, flood frequency analysis and flood control scheduling of reservoir become more and more complicated because of the non-stationarity of flood series. This paper aims to assess the effects that non-stationary flood series, which is affected by land...
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This paper develops Bayes pre-test estimate (BPE) of the change point of a sequence of independent random variables under asymmetric linex loss function. BPE of the change point is obtained for changing regular one-parameter exponential family model. Its sensitivity is examined to the choice of...
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