Showing 1,451 - 1,460 of 1,463
Prior studies disagree regarding the effectiveness of financial literacy programs, especially those offered in the workplace. To explain such measurement differences in evaluation and outcomes, we employ a stochastic life cycle model with endogenous financial knowledge accumulation to...
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We consider changes in the distribution of hourly compensation in Canada using confidential census data and the recent National Household Survey over the last three decades. We find that the coefficient of variation of wages among full-time workers has almost doubled between 1980 and 2010. The...
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À partir d'une sélection de 20 indicateurs de développement durable (DD), nous construisons deux indicateurs composites (IC) qui synthétisent respectivement les dimensions environnementales et socio-économiques du DD. Nous procédons ensuite à l'application des IC aux 25 plus grandes...
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Ce rapport Bourgogne récapitule les principaux éléments soulevés lors du symposium sur la finance entrepreneuriale et le capital de risque, organisé à Montréal en avril 2010. Nous avons choisi trois dimensions particulièrement importantes du point de vue des politiques publiques au...
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In the absence of change to the income security system, more than 50% of workers moving toward retirement, with salaries on both sides of the median, will have to reduce significantly their standard of living. For the workers who rely strictly on the Old Age Pension and the Quebec Pension Plan,...
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In this article, we stress the effect of a Negative Income Tax (NIT) scheme on the firms' behaviour as regards their technological choices. Within the framework of a matching model with differentiation of the agents, we show that a NIT reduces inequalities and rises employment making agents less...
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La croissance de la productivité est examinée par les macro-économistes car elle joue des rôles clés dans la compréhension de l'épargne dans le secteur privé, les sources des chocs macroéconomiques, l'évolution de la compétitivité internationale et la solvabilité des régimes de...
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This article aims to understand how public policies affect the behavior of agents in term of selectivity. In other words, we explain how the state of the labour market and, in particular qualification level of workers, affects technological choices of firms. Using a matching model in which...
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Nous étudions, dans cet article, le rôle des allocations chômage dans la détermination de la nature des emplois offerts. Nous montrons qu'un système d'indemnisation du chômage généreux, en provoquant une accentuation de la sélectivité des agents, affecte les caractéristiques des...
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Many economists (Atkinson, 1995, Ferry 1995) have presented the mechanism of l'Allocation universelle as the new way forward by the modern social protection. In this article, we propose first to recall the context in which takes up the debate on l'Allocation universelle. Using a matching model...
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