Showing 41 - 50 of 73
The motivation of this paper is to prove verification theorems for stochastic optimal control of finite dimensional diffusion processes without control in the diffusion term, in the case where the value function is assumed to be continuous in time and once differentiable in the space variable...
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This paper is devoted to presenting a method of proving verification theorems for stochastic optimal control of finite dimensional diffusion processes without control in the diffusion term. The value function is assumed to be continuous in time and once differentiable in the space variable...
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If X and Y are two general stochastic processess, we define a covariation process [X, Y] with the help of a limit procedure. When the processes are semimartingales, [X, Y] is their classical bracket. We calculate covariation for some important examples arising from anticipating stochastic...
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This paper does not suppose a priori that the evolution of the price of a financial asset is a semimartingale. Since possible strategies of investors are self-financing, previous prices are forced to be finite quadratic variation processes. The non-arbitrage property is not excluded if the class...
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This article focuses on a recent concept of covariation for processes taking values in a separable Banach space <InlineEquation ID="IEq1"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$$B$$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format="MATHML"> <math xmlns:xlink=""> <mi>B</mi> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation> and a corresponding quadratic variation. The latter is more general than the classical one of Métivier and Pellaumail. Those notions are associated with some subspace <InlineEquation ID="IEq2"> <EquationSource...</equationsource></inlineequation></equationsource></equationsource></inlineequation>
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Given a process with independent increments X (not necessarily a martingale) and a large class of square integrable r.v. H = f(X T ), f being the Fourier transform of a finite measure μ, we provide a direct expression for Kunita-Watanabe and Föllmer-Schweizer decompositions of H. The...
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The present paper continues the study of infinite dimensional calculus via regularization, started by C. Di Girolami and the second named author, introducing the notion of weak Dirichlet process in this context. Such a process X, taking values in a Hilbert space H, is the sum of a local...
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We consider the discretized version of a (continuous-time) two-factor model introduced by Benth and coauthors for the electricity markets. For this model, the underlying is the exponent of a sum of independent random variables. We provide and test an algori thm, which is based on the celebrated...
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In this paper we provide existence and uniqueness results for the solution of BSDEs driven by a general square-integrable martingale under partial information. We discuss some special cases where the solution to a BSDE under restricted information can be derived by that related to a problem of a...
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