Showing 51 - 60 of 37,744
The market for ultra short-term (zero days-to-expiry or 0DTE) options has grown exponentially over the last few years. In 2023, daily volume in 0DTEs reached over 45% of overall daily options volume. After briefly describing this exploding new market, we present a novel pricing formula designed...
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We develop a novel approach for the direct extraction of aggregated investor attention and relative risk aversion (RRA) from European option prices. Applying it to China 50ETF options data, we document several noteworthy findings. First, we introduce the option-implied attention (OIA) index,...
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This work discusses the calibration of instantaneous Libor correlations in the Libor market model. We extend existing calibration strategies by incorporation of spread option implied correlation information. The correlation structure implied by CMS spread options observed in the present-day's...
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We examine the distribution of realized Bitcoin daily log-returns and find significantly-thin tails. From there we construct a simple connection back to traditional volatility modelling. And then we discuss how this connection can serve as a foundation to leverage existing derivative quant...
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This article analyzes the issue of American option valuation when the underlying exhibits a GARCH-type volatility process. We propose the usage of Rubinstein's Edgeworth binomial tree (EBT) in contrast to simulation-based methods being considered in previous studies. The EBT-based valuation...
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The stock options implied volatility skew reflects both the structural risk characteristics of the underlying company and the short-term information flow about the stock price movement. This paper builds a semi-structural cross-sectional option pricing model to separate the structural risk...
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We analyze American put options in a hyper-exponential jump-diffusion model. Our contribution is threefold. Firstly, by following a maturity randomization approach, we solve the partial integro-differential equation and obtain a tight lower bound for the American option price. Secondly, our...
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We present a new term-structure model for commodity futures prices based on Trolle-Schwartz (2009), which we extend by incorporating seasonal stochastic volatility represented with of two different sinusoidal expressions. We obtain an analytical representation of the characteristic function of...
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In this paper we introduce the dynamic semiparametric factor model (DSFM) for electricity forward curves. The biggest advantage of our approach is that it not only leads to smooth,seasonal forward curves extracted from exchange traded futures and forward electricity contracts, but also to a...
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In this paper we introduce the dynamic semiparametric factor model (DSFM) for electricity forward curves. The biggest advantage of our approach is that it not only leads to smooth, seasonal forward curves extracted from exchange traded futures and forward electricity contracts, but also to a...
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