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The relations between the riches of nations and the riches of Productive Knowledge (Technology) gains increasing acknowledgment among economists. Classical economists had assumed that the key to progress was the accumulation of homogenous capital goods. But, as P. Romer, among others, claims we...
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Büyüme, teknolojik yenilik, verimlilik ve emek iliþkilerini inceleyen daha önceki çalýþmalarda (Gürak, 2000-a, 2000-b, 2004-a, 2004-b) emek, sermaye mallarý, ara-mallar, hammaddeler gibi girdilerin “üretimde kullanýlan faktörler” olduðu, üretken faktörlerin ise “sadece iki...
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Toplam Faktör Verimliligi aslinda cok abartilmis bir kavram ve yöntemdir. ABD kökenli oldugu icin cogu zaman oldugu gibi, icerigi dogru dürüst incelenmeden ve sorgulanmadan bircok kisi tarfindan kabul görmüstür. Aslinda TFV icin bir 'safsata' oldugu bile söylenebilir.
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H. Gürak’ýn “ekonomik büyüme ve küresel ekonomi” kitabýndan
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H. Gürak’ýn “ekonomik büyüme ve küresel ekonomi” kitabýndan
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Verimlilik ve verimlilik artisi (büyüme) hemen hemen herkes tarafindan ve her meslekle ilgili olarak kullanilan temel kavramlar olmasina karsin kullanan kisinin amacina göre farkli anlamlar icerebilmektedir. Örnegin bir ögretmenin verimli olmasi ile bir siyasetcinin veya marangozun verimli...
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Small and medium sized enterprises (KOBIs in Turkish) make up about 98 percent of all manufacturing firms in Turkey. They make a significant contribution to the economy in terms of output, employment, value-added and economic growth. Unfortunately, there seems to be many obstacles restraining...
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Sosyal bilim ogrencileri icin tez hazirlama, sunum ve elestiri tekniklerini iceren bir eser.
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'ekonomik büyüme ve küresel ekonomi' kitabinin son bölümü
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Modern economic science has become a grand parable, the study of a virtual economic world where the interactive robots engage in mechanical relationships. Although the natural sciences that initially inspired many economists has undergone drastic changes since Newton's era, 'modern' economic...
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