Showing 1 - 10 of 1,094
Dans la presente etude, nous regroupons une grande gamme d'ensembles de donnees en vue de produire un ensemble de faits stylises relatifs a la delocalisation et a l'evolution de l'emploi survenues au Canada ces dernieres annees. Notre principale constatation est que presque tous les ensembles de...
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This study explores the labour market performance of low and high educated couples using Census data for the period 1980 to 2000.
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En nous reportant aux donnees sur les salaires horaires de l'Enquete sur la population active et d'enquetes anterieures aupres des menages pour la periode 1981 a 2004, nous evaluons si l'importance relative des emplois respectivement mal et bien remuneres a evolue ces 20 dernieres annees. Comme...
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Using hourly wage data from the Labour Force Survey as well as previous household surveys covering the 1981-2004 period, we assess whether the relative importance of low-paid jobs and well-paid jobs has changed over the last two decades. Since it is unclear whether trends in wage levels obtained...
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In this study, we assemble a wide variety of data sets in an attempt to produce a set of stylized facts regarding offshoring and the evolution of Canadian employment in recent years. Our main finding is that, in almost all of the data sets used, there is, so far, little evidence of a correlation...
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Based on their analysis of changes in the share of jobs falling in certain real wage categories over 1997-2004, the authors suggest that well-paid jobs ($25 an hour or more) are not disappearing in Canada. Morissette and Johnson also find little evidence that the relative importance of well-paid...
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A paper presented at the December 2004 conference "Labor Market Developments in the United States and Canada since 2000," cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Canadian Consulate General in New York, the Centre for the Study of Living Standards, and the New York Association...
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This study examines which factors underlie the narrowing of wage differences seen between young bachelor?s degree holders and high school graduates from the 2000-to-2002 period to the 2010-to-2012 period and the widening of differences in full-time paid employment rates between these two...
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La presente etude porte sur les facteurs qui ont sous-tendu la diminution des ecarts salariaux entre les jeunes titulaires d?un baccalaureat et ceux titulaires d?un diplome d?etudes secondaires de la periode de 2000 a 2002 a celle de 2010 a 2012, ainsi que l?accroissement des differences de taux...
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Dans le present document, nous examinons dans quelle mesure les Canadiens ont ete exposes au faible revenu au cours de la periode de 1993 a 1996. Nos principales conclusions sont les suivantes. Tout d'abord, meme si seulement un Canadien sur 10 vit dans une famille a faible revenu pendant une...
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