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The Brady Initiative has introduced official support for debt reduction. This new phase in the debt strategy requires a new set of tools to analyze debt deals and to study the impact of a deal on the debtor country. This paper discusses first the methodological issues involved in evaluating the...
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Interest rates fell sharply after Mexico's Brady deal, and private investment and growth recovered. The authors show that the main benefit of debt relief was not to lower expected payments but to reduce uncertainty. Reduced uncertainty was found to be the dominant factor in explaining the...
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Bridging the external financing gap has been an important factor in borrowing cgovernment's demand for World Bank loans. The demand for IBRD and IDA lending is positively related to an increase in debt service payments and inversely related to a borrowing country's level of reserves. These two...
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To solve the puzzle of attitudes toward debt buybacks, the authors use a model that combines considerations of debt overhang with the possibility of asymmetrical information between debtor countries and their creditors. In this environment, a debt overhang may create disincentives for a country...
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Under base scenario assumptions, the authors estimate that the Baker 17 countries will require about $ 18 to $ 20 billion of net new disbursements annually to reverse recent investment trends and bring about modest growth in per capita incomes. The most significant shortfall is in commercial...
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This paper analyzes the determinants of the choice by debtor countries of a jointly optimal trade and debt strategy after the occurrence of some negative shocks. Choosing between export promotion and import substitution is a matter of determining whether it is more profitable to increase the...
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In the last two or three decades, moshavim and kibbutzim developed entensively, adopted new technologies, reacted quickly to changes in market conditions, and established a network of farm services owned and operated by farmers and their representatives. Financial cooperation helped to make this...
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The authors analyze the implications for crisis management of inefficient financial intermediation in a country (such as Indonesia or the Republic of Korea) where firms are highly indebted. They base their analysis on a model in which firms rely on bank credit to finance their working capital...
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Greece and Italy initiated efforts to improve public debt management and develop their domestic debt markets respectively in the late 1970s and mid-1980s. At that time, both countries suffered from large and rapidly growing public debt, excessive reliance on short-term bills held by commercial...
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Fiscal policy is central to a country's economic and social objectives, from macroeconomic stability to sustainable growth and poverty reduction. But evaluations of a country's fiscal performance, over time or relative to other countries, are often conducted independent of other development...
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