Showing 31 - 40 of 1,792
This paper builds a consumer search model where the cost of going back to stores already searched is explicitly taken into account. We show that the optimal search rule under costly recall is very different from the optimal search rule under perfect recall. Under costly recall, the optimal...
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Different variations of a Principle of Coordination are used in a number of different research traditions. Roughly speaking, one version of the Principle says that if there is a unique Pareto-efficient outcome in a game, then players will choose their part of that outcome. In this paper I will...
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This paper gives an overview of the literature on focal points. It starts with reviewing Schelling’s seminal book The Strategy of Conflict.I then discuss the problems that have to be faced when incorporating the notion of focal points in theory of games. Two recent approaches are discussed...
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Consider a Bertrand model in which each firm may be inactive with a known probability, so the number of active firms is uncertain. This simple model has a mixed-strategy equilibrium in which industry profits are positive and decline with the number of firms, the same features which make the...
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An important question in the dynamic European wholesale markets for electricity is whether to define the geographical market at the level of an individual member state or more broadly. We show that if we currently take the traditional approach by considering for each member state whether there...
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Despite the mixed empirical evidence, many economists stillhold to the view that Internet will promote competition betweenfirms,thereby lowering prices and increasing economic welfare. This paperpresents a search model that provides a different view. We analyzethemarket for a homogeneous good...
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Consider a Bertrand model in which each firm may be inactive with aknown probability, so the number of active firms is uncertain. Thissimple model has a mixed-strategy equilibrium in which industryprofits are positive and decline with the number of firms, the samefeatures which make the Cournot...
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We investigate the nature of market failure in a dynamic version ofAkerlof (1970) where identicalcohorts of a durable good enter the market over time. In the dynamicmodel, equilibria withqualitatively different properties emerge. Typically, in equilibriaof the dynamic model, sellerswith higher...
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