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This study explored the psychological mechanisms that underlie the retirement planning and saving tendencies of Dutch … analysis models to identify the mechanisms that underlie perceived financial preparedness for retirement. Findings revealed … psychological and retirement planning constructs, but also in the robustness of the path models. These findings suggest that policy …
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This study explored the psychological mechanisms that underlie the retirement planning and saving tendencies of Dutch … analysis models to identify the mechanisms that underlie perceived financial preparedness for retirement. Findings revealed … psychological and retirement planning constructs, but also in the robustness of the path models. These findings suggest that policy …
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This study explored the psychological mechanisms that underlie the retirement planning and saving tendencies of Dutch … analysis models to identify the mechanisms that underlie perceived financial preparedness for retirement. Findings revealed … psychological and retirement planning constructs, but also in the robustness of the path models. These findings suggest that policy …
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One problem for sustainability of systems pensions is how people without specialized financial training could manage … their resources and their actual personal intentions towards retirement. Research objective is to analyse the relationship … among several factors that affect the behaviour towards retirement, the financial management practices and the financial …
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declining in the years that follow. Prior research has documented that consumption declines at retirement, which is inconsistent … retirement confirming the results of Aguiar and Hurst (2005, 2013) …
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retirement despite generous matching incentives. We provide evidence on four of these frictions through a field experiment …’s baseline incidence. We describe four main findings: (1) We corroborate prior work showing pervasive deficits in retirement … literacy and their correlation with saving but reject any meaningful increase in saving from personalized recommendations that …
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desired response is that individuals accumulate private assets for retirement. Whether this actually takes place, is of … gradually being reduced, while substantial incentives are granted to occupational and private saving schemes. Has this … Germans adapted to the new situation. Both actual and expected retirement decisions changed and the share of households …
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Many nations incentivize retirement saving by letting workers defer taxes on pension contributions, imposing them when …) contributions rather than payouts - alters saving, investment, consumption, and Social Security claiming patterns. We find that … taxing pension contributions instead of withdrawals leads to delayed retirement, somewhat lower lifetime tax payments, and …
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This paper analyzes the impacts of financial literacy on the investment and pension planning behavior in Austria and Switzerland. Based on survey data of 449 individuals from Austria and Switzerland, we first analyze which socio-demographic and country-specific factors determine financial...
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