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We propose a sampling approach to bandwidth estimation for a nonparametric regression model with continuous and discrete types of regressors and unknown error density. The unknown error density is approximated by a location-mixture of Gaussian densities with means being the individual errors,...
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This paper aims to investigate a Bayesian sampling approach to parameter estimation in the GARCH model with an unknown conditional error density, which we approximate by a mixture of Gaussian densities centered at individual errors and scaled by a common standard deviation. This mixture density...
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This paper presents a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to estimate parameters and latent stochastic processes in the asymmetric stochastic volatility (SV) model, in which the Box-Cox transformation of the squared volatility follows an autoregressive Gaussian distribution and the...
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We provide Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for computing the bandwidth matrix for multivariate kernel density estimation. Our approach is based on treating the elements of the bandwidth matrix as parameters to be estimated, which we do by optimizing the likelihood cross-validation...
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Multivariate kernel regression is an important tool for investigating the relationship between a response and a set of explanatory variables. It is generally accepted that the performance of a kernel regression estimator largely depends on the choice of bandwidth rather than the kernel function....
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This paper aims to investigate a Bayesian sampling approach to parameter estimation in the semiparametric GARCH model with an unknown conditional error density, which we approximate by a mixture of Gaussian densities centered at individual errors and scaled by a common standard deviation. This...
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We approximate the error density of a nonparametric regression model by a mixture of Gaussian densities with means being the individual error realizations and variance a constant parameter. We investigate the construction of a likelihood and posterior for bandwidth parameters under this...
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A significant role for hypothesis testing in econometrics involves diagnostic checking. When checking the adequacy of a chosen model, researchers typically employ a range of diagnostic tests, each of which is designed to detect a particular form of model inadequacy. A major problem is how best...
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Influence diagnostics have become an important tool for statistical analysis since the seminal work by Cook (1986). In this paper we present a curvature-based diagnostic to access local influence of minor perturbations on the modified likelihood displacement in a regression model. Using the...
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Statistical models can play a crucial role in decision making. Traditional model validation tests typically make restrictive parametric assumptions about the model under the null and the alternative hypotheses. The majority of these tests examine one type of change at a time. This paper presents...
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