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It is argued that bidders in liquidity-providing central bank operations should typically possess declining marginal valuations. Based on this hypothesis, we construct an equilibrium in central bank refinancing operations organised as variable rate tenders. In the case of the discriminatory...
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It is argued that bidders in liquidity-providing central bank operations should typically possess declining marginal valuations. Based on this hypothesis, we construct equilibrium in central bank refinancing operations organised as variable rate tenders. In the case of the discriminatory pricing...
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We compare auction revenues from discriminatory auctions and uniform price auctions in the case of the Korean treasury bonds auction market. For this purpose, we employ detailed bidder level data for each of 16 discriminatory auctions recently carried out in Korea. We first theoretically recover...
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Economics at the University of Munich in May 2016. The thesis tells the story of the Eurosystem's collateral framework and its … Pfänderkriterien und der Risikokontrolle, indem es die Entwicklung der Bonität der dem Eurosystem verpfändeten Sicherheiten … nachvollzieht. Das innerhalb dieses Kapitels erarbeitete Modell zeigt, dass Banken Sicherheiten minderer Qualität dem Eurosystem …
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collateral framework of the Eurosystem as a basis of illustration and case study, the paper brings to light the functioning … in modern monetary and financial systems, namely central bank collateral frameworks. Their importance can be understood …, not defined in a market, but by the collateral frameworks and interest rate policies of central banks. Using the …
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Pfänderkriterien und der Risikokontrolle, indem es die Entwicklung der Bonität der dem Eurosystem verpfändeten Sicherheiten … nachvollzieht. Das innerhalb dieses Kapitels erarbeitete Modell zeigt, dass Banken Sicherheiten minderer Qualität dem Eurosystem …
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In a sequential auction of perfect substitutes, we analyze the consequences of the seller's incapacity to commit perfectly to a reserve-price schedule. When facing such a seller, the bidders have strong incentives not to reveal during the earlier rounds of the auction any information about their...
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This paper presents an empirical model of sponsored search auctions in which advertisers are ranked by bid and ad quality. We introduce a new nonparametric estimator for the advertiser's ad value and its distribution under the 'incomplete information' assumption. The ad value is characterized by...
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This paper shows that in online car auctions, resellers are better at appraising the value of the cars they are bidding on than are consumers. Using a unique data set of online car auctions, I show that differences in bidding behavior between resellers and consumers can be explained by...
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A model is presented of a uniform price auction where bidders compete in demand schedules; the model allows for common and private values in the absence of exogenous noise. It is shown how private information yields more market power than the levels seen with full information. Results obtained...
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