Showing 71 - 80 of 534
This paper discusses methods to quantify risk and uncertainty in macroeconomic forecasts. Both, parametric and non-parametric procedures are developed. The former are based on a class of asymmetrically weighted normal distributions whereas the latter employ asymmetric bootstrap simulations. Both...
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First and higher order digits in data sets of natural and socio-economic processes often follow a distribution called Benford's law. This phenomenon has been used in many business and scientific applications, especially in fraud detection for financial data. In this paper, we analyse whether...
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This paper reviews theory and evidence of the welfare effects of inflation from a costbenefit perspective. Basic models and selected empirical results are discussed. Historically, in assessing the welfare effects of inflation, the distortion of money demand played a prominent role. More...
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The carry-over effect is the advance contribution of the old year to growth in the new year. Among practitioners the informative content of the carry-over effect for short-term forecasting is undisputed and is used routinely in economic forecasting. In this paper, the carry-over effect is...
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Die repressive Niedrigzinspolitik der EZB führt nach unseren Berechnungen zu geschätzten Zinsverlusten für die deutschen Sparer in einer Größenordnung von 70 Mrd. € pro Jahr. Die Zinsverluste sind höher als die finanziellen Belastungen durch Kapitalertragsteuer und Güterpreisinflation....
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Für Zwecke des privaten Konsums werden ständig Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsgüter bewertet und gehandelt. Ein zuverlässiges und umfassendes Maß für die allgemeine Kaufkraft des Geldes und deren Veränderung sollte diesem Grundsachverhalt Rechnung tragen. Im Unterschied zu konventionellen...
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For the purposes of private consumption present and future goods are constantly evaluated and traded. A reliable und comprehensive measure of the general purchasing power of money and its changes over time should take due account of this basic fact. In contrast to conventional statistical...
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Zusammenfassung In Deutschland wurde die Berechnung von Volumenaggregaten in der Volks­wirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung kürzlich von der Festpreismethode auf die Vorjahrespreismethode mit Verkettung (Kettenindizes) umgestellt. Volumen­aggregate für Quartalsdaten werden in der amtlichen...
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Summary The statistical overhang (carry-over effect) is the contribution of the previous year to growth in the current year. Practitioners use the statistical overhang routinely to pin down and rationalize short-term forecasts. This article analyses the statistical overhang ‘statistically’...
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