Showing 81 - 90 of 12,866
Derivation of the the conversion factor ßM, from bits of entropy to dollars of waste
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Effective Mass Me of WIP derived from Little’s Law
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Derivation of the the conversion factor BM, from bits of entropy to dollars of waste
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The purpose of this paper is twofold: 1) to highlight the widely ignored but fundamental problem of ‘superpopulations’ for the use of inferential statistics in development studies. We do not to dwell on this problem however as it has been sufficiently discussed in older papers by...
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Derivation of Minimum Batch size to minimize WIP and Cycle Time R
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The Ohno Criterion states that WIP with faster velocities have lower cost than WIP with average slower velocities, in manufacturing cycles per unit time: v=G/W where W= number of pieces of Work In Process Inventory (WIP), and G = rate at which pieces exit from WIP to finished goods per unit...
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The level of bankarization (access to and use of banking services) is relatively low in Argentina both in historical terms and compared with similarly developed countries. This is shown by indicators both of access to and use of banking services. This paper analyzes a unique database containing...
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A modification of the self-perturbed Kalman filter of Park and Jun (1992) is proposed for the on-line estimation of models subject to parameter instability. The perturbationterm in the updating equation of the state covariance matrix is weighted by the measurement error variance, thus avoiding...
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A modification of the self-perturbed Kalman filter of Park and Jun (1992) is proposed for the on-line estimation of models subject to parameter instability. The perturbation term in the updating equation of the state covariance matrix is weighted by the measurement error variance, thus avoiding...
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We propose the unified approach to construct the non–informative prior for time–series econometric models that are invariant under some group of transformations. We show that this invariance property characterizes some of the most popular models hence the applicability of the proposed...
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