Showing 41 - 50 of 130
Consider an infinite sequence of Bernoulli trials {Xi|i=1,2,…}. Let W(k) denote the waiting time, the number of trials needed, to get either consecutive k ones or k zeros for the first time. The probability distribution of W(k) is derived for both independent and homogeneous two-state...
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In this article, we study sooner/later waiting time problems for simple patterns in a sequence of bivariate trials. The double generating functions of the sooner/later waiting times for the simple patterns are expressed in terms of the double generating functions of the numbers of occurrences of...
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In this note we are concerned with the inflated-parameter binomial distribution, which is a generalization of the classical binomial distribution. We show that there exists exactly one renewal process such that the number of renewals has an inflated-parameter binomial distribution.
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In this paper, recursive equations for waiting time distributions of r-th occurrence of a compound pattern are studied via the finite Markov chain imbedding technique under overlapping and non-overlapping counting schemes in sequences of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) or Markov...
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In this paper, we introduce a class of a directed acyclic graph on the assumption that the collection of random variables indexed by the vertices has a Markov property. We present a flexible approach for the study of the exact distributions of runs and scans on the directed acyclic graph by...
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Here we develop an order k version of the zero-inflated logarithmic series distribution of Kumar and Riyaz [Staistica (accepted for publication), <CitationRef CitationID="CR10">2013b</CitationRef>] through its probability generating function, and derive an expression for its probability mass function. Certain recurrence relation for its...</citationref>
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Summary The intervened Poisson distribution (IPD) of Shanmugam (Biometrics 41:1025–1029, <CitationRef CitationID="CR19">1985</CitationRef>) has been found suitable for some rare event situations where some intervention arises. The main drawback of IPD is that it is under-dispersed and appropriate for single intervention situation....</citationref>
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In this paper we develop a bivariate version of the confluent hypergeometric series distribution through its probability generating function and study some of its properties by deriving its probability mass function, factorial moments, probability generating functions of its marginal and...
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