Showing 71 - 80 of 52,165
Global current account imbalances have been one of the focal points of interest for policymakers during the last few years. Less attention has been paid, however, to the growing imbalances within the Euro-area. In the short period since the commencement of the EMU two distinct groups of member...
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This paper deals with the impact of the $/Euro exchange rate on German exports in the period from 1995Q1 to 2008Q4. Our main aim is to identify "pain thresholds" for German exporters. We rely on a non-linear model according to which suddenly strong spurts of exports occur when changes of the EXR...
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In this paper we estimate a small open economy DSGE model for Latvia following Lubik and Schorfheide (2007) using Bayesian methods. The estimates of the structural parameters fall within plausible ranges. Simulation results suggest that under inflation targeting inflation turns out to be more...
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This paper investigates the short-term effects of fiscal policy on the Mexican economy. The empirical evidence shows that a fiscal expansion, resulting from a reduction in public sector revenues, produces the following effects: the money supply rises together with interest rates and prices, the...
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The output gap plays an important role in the assessment and conduct of monetary policy. Most of the current literature, however, relies on filtering procedures which use ad hoc smoothness arguments for identification. Furthermore, they are subject to end-of-sample problems and do not provide...
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This paper investigates the determinants of Norwegian import prices of manufactures over the period 1970(1) - 1991(4). Multivariate cointegration analysis establishes a long-run relationship between import prices, foreign prices, the exchange rate and domestic unit labour costs. Normalized on...
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I estimate the structural parameters of a small open economy model using data from Canada and the United States. The model improves upon the recent literature in open economy macroeconomics from an empirical perspective. I estimate parameters by using non-linear least squares at the...
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This paper evaluates the effects of capital account controls adopted in the past years by the FLAR’s member countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Perú and Venezuela) on the efficiency of the banking sector, the economic growth and the volatility of output, consumption, and...
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We characterize the restrictions imposed by the minimal I(2)-to-I(1) transformation that underlies much applied work, e.g. on money demand relationships or open-economy pricing relationships. The relationship between the parameters of the original I(2) vector autoregression, including the...
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