Showing 9,671 - 9,680 of 10,249
We explore intergenerational and international risk sharing in a general equilibrium multiple-country model with two-tier pensions systems. The exact design of the pension system is key for the way in which risks are shared over generations. The laissez-faire market solution fails to provide an...
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The Basel Accords promote the adoption of capital adequacy requirements to increase the banking sector's stability. Unfortunately, this type of regulation can hamper economic growth by shifting banks' portfolios from more productive, risky investment projects toward less productive but safer...
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Much of the current debate in ageing countries focuses on whether governments should increase investments in human capital. We address this issue by simulating the effects of additional education spending using an overlapping-generations model applied to Canada. In the context of population...
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This paper considers an overlapping generations economy with capital accumulation and two outside assets (government bonds, fiat money) and compares the dynamic properties of two stylized monetary policy rules: (i) a constant money growth rule and (ii) an interest rate targeting rule which...
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In this paper, we assume away standard distributional and static-efficiency arguments for public health, and instead, seek a dynamic efficiency rationale. We study a lifecycle model wherein young agents make health investments to reduce mortality risk. We identify a welfare rationale for public...
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Bliss [Bliss, C., 2008. Multiple equilibrium in the Diamond capital model. Economics Letters 100, 143–145] finds numerically that the Diamond OLG model can have uncountably many steady states. We use log preferences and show analytically that a continuum of steady states can still exist.
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For a given technology, two ways are available to achieve low polluting emissions: reducing production per capita or reducing population size. This paper insists on the tension between the former and the latter. Controlling pollution either through Pigovian taxes or through tradable quotas...
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In this article we ask whether a privately owned natural renewable resource can be conserved and managed efficiently when households have a joy-of-giving resource bequest motive. We model an overlapping generations economy in which firms have access to a CES production technology combining the...
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This paper proposes and assesses consistent multi-factor dynamic ane mortality models for longevity risk applications. The dynamics of the model produce closed-form expressions for survival curves. The framework includes an arbitrage free model specication. Importantly, the mortality model...
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This paper develops a monetary endogenous growth overlapping generations model characterized by endogenous longevity and an inflation targeting monetary authority, and analyzes the growth dynamics that emerges from this framework. Besides the endogenous longevity which depends on the...
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