Showing 71 - 80 of 302
This work deals with estimating the vector of means of characteristics of small areas. In this context, a unit level multivariate model with correlated sampling errors is considered. An approximation is obtained for the mean squared and cross product errors of the empirical best linear unbiased...
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In this paper, we partially review probabilistic and time series models in finance. Both discrete and continuous .time models are described. The characterization of the No- Arbitrage paradigm is extensively studied in several financial market contexts. As the probabilistic models become more and...
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The problem of combining different sources of information arises in several situations, for instance, the classification of data with asymmetric similarity matrices or the construction of an optimal classifier from a collection of kernels. Often, each source of information can be expressed as a...
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This paper deals with the recent evolution, perspectives and some policy considerations for the Euro-Zone on the basis of the analysis of inflation, GDP and Industrial Production in EMU. The analysis shows that the year on year rates of growth will recover form the third quarter of 2002 for GDP...
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A procedure for clustering and classifying images determined by three classification variables is presented. A measure of global variability based on the singular value decomposition of the image matrices, and two average measures of local variability based on spatial correlation and spatial...
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This paper presents of number of cointegration tests that exploit the statistical properties of the records from the original time series variables. We prove their consistency and obtain their asymptotic null distributions. Among the advantages of this novel methodology, the new tests are...
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This paper reviews the literature on GARCH-type models proposed to represent the dynamic evolution of conditional variances. Effects of level outliers on the diagnostic and estimation of GARCH models are also studied. Both outliers and conditional heteroscedasticity can generate time series with...
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A Multivariate Fay-Herriot model is used to aid the prediction of small area parameters of dependent variables with sample data aggregated to area level. The empirical best linear unbiased predictor of the parameter vector is used, and an approximation of the elements of the mean cross product...
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In this article we describe a method for carrying out Bayesian inference for the double Pareto lognormal (dPlN) distribution which has recently been proposed as a model for heavy-tailed phenomena. We apply our approach to inference for the dPlN/M/1 and M/dPlN/1 queueing systems. These systems...
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It is common in parametric bootstrap to select the model from the data, and then treat it as it were the true model. Kilian (1998) have shown that ignoring the model uncertainty may seriously undermine the coverage accuracy of bootstrap confidence intervals for impulse response estimates which...
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