Showing 231 - 240 of 807
We consider the problem of (re)allocating the total endowment of an infinitely divisible commodity among agents with single-peaked preferences and initial endowments. We propose an extension of the so-called uniform rule and show that it is the unique rule satisfying strategy-proofness, Pareto...
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In this paper apriorism has been examined, the main-stream philosophy of economic science. An essential element in apriorism is the idea that the economist should always start his analysis from a hard, solid core of assumptions, in which he can have great confidence. Since most aprioristic...
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Voor bedrijven uit de “nieuwe economie” geldt veelal dat de marktwaarde van het eigen vermogen de boekwaarde ervan in belangrijke mate overstijgt. Het overgrote deel van de waarde van het bedrijf verschijnt dus niet op de balans, met als gevolg dat de externe verslaggeving steeds minder...
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In this study, we relate the individual locus-of-control personality trait of team members to the team’s information gathering and processing behavior. We adopt a team information-processing approach arguing that a team’s information-processing capacity is a function of its composition with...
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In the information technology industries there are several instances of a division of labour between research companies and manufacturers, who apply the researcher''s know how in production. Firms use several different ways to organise the decision making and transfer of know how. The paper...
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Consider exchange economies in which preferences are continuous, convex and strongly monotonic. It is well known that the Walrasian correspondence is not Nash implementable. Maskin monotonicity (Maskin, 1999) is violated for allocations at the boundary of the feasible set. We derive an...
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We discuss the two latest enlargements of the EU. While the 1995 entrants are by now fully integrated, the 2004 entrants will ``enjoy'''' a secondary status for a number of years. We attribute this difference to the fact that unlike the former EFTA members joining in 1995, the 2004 entrants...
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Land value taxation in Germany has a long history pre-dating and post-dating Henry George''s own influence. Some of the ideas Henry George stood for had already taken root in German practice before him, and when his books began to appear almost simultaneously with their American editions in...
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Many studies have found that discounting is hyperbolic rather than constant. Hyperbolicdiscounting is becoming increasingly popular in economic applications. Most studies thatprovide evidence in favor of hyperbolic discounting either are merely qualitative or theydepend on assumptions about, or...
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The present study investigates the propensity to continue internationalization by experienced international service providers. Enhancing the cognitive-behavioral root of internationalization process theory (Johanson and Vahlne 1977; 1990), this paper builds upon Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned...
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