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Let s{;Xns};, n [greater-or-equal, slanted] 1, be a stationary [alpha]-mixing sequence of real-valued r.v.'s with distribution function (d.f.) F, probability density function (p.d.f.) f and mixing coefficient [alpha](n). The d.f. F is estimated by the empirical d.f. Fn, based on the segment...
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Let X1,X2,... be real-valued random variables forming a strictly stationary sequence, and satisfying the basic requirement of being positively or negatively associated. Let [xi]p denote the pth quantile of the marginal distribution function of the Xi's, which is estimated by a smooth...
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The sole purpose of this paper is to establish asymptotic normality of the usual kernel estimate of the marginal probability density function of a strictly stationary sequence of associated random variables. In much of the discussions and derivations, the term association is used to include both...
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Let Zd be the lattice of points in d with integer coordinates, and let {Xn}, n [epsilon] Zd, be a random field of real-valued translation invariant random variables with unknown distribution function F. For u and v in Zd with u < v let, Buv be the box in Zd defined by Buv = {n [epsilon] Zd; u < n [less-than-or-equals, slant] v}, and for N = 1, 2, ..., let k(N) = (k1 (N), ..., kd (N)) with ki(N) --> [infinity] as N -- [infinity], I = 1, ..., d. On the basis of the...</v>
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Consider the fixed regression model with general weights, and suppose that the error random variables are coming from a strictly stationary stochastic process, satisfying the strong mixing condition. The asymptotic normality of the proposed estimate is established under weak conditions. The...
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Let the random variables (r.v.'s) X0,X1,... be defined on the probability space and take values in , where S is a measurable subset of a Euclidean space and is the [sigma]-field of Borel subsets of S, and suppose that they form a general stochastic process. It is assumed that all finite...
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