Showing 41 - 50 of 2,493
Past empirical research on monetary policy in open economies has found evidence of the 'delayed overshooting', the 'forward discount' and the 'exchange rate' puzzles. We revisit the effects of monetary policy on exchange rates by applying Uhlig's (2005) identification procedure that involves...
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This paper discusses the paper The Source of Historical Economic Fluctuations: An Analysis using Long-Run Restrictions by Neville Francis and Valerie A. Ramey. It argues that these authors have made great progress both in the precise measurement of labor input as well as determining the effect...
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Since Christopher Sims's Macroeconomics and Reality" (1980), macroeconomists have used structural VARs, or vector autoregressions, for policy analysis. Constructing the impulseresponse functions and variance decompositions that are central to this literature requires factoring the...
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We use a panel vector autoregressions model to examine the coevolution of changes in happiness and changes in income, health, marital status as well as employment status for the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) data set. This technique allows us to simultaneously analyze the impact of the...
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Poor identification of individual impulse response coefficients does not necessarily mean that an impulse response is imprecisely estimated. This paper introduces a three-pronged approach on how to communicate uncertainty of impulse response estimates: (1) withWald tests of joint significance; (2)...
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We compare the economic consequences of several types of oil shocks across a set of industrialized countries that are structurally very diverse with respect to the role of oil and other forms of energy in their economy. We find considerably different effects across countries, which crucially...
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Past empirical research on monetary policy in open economies has found evidence of the ‘delayed overshooting puzzle’ and the ‘forward discount puzzle’. We revisit the effects of monetary policy on exchange rates by applying Uhlig's [Uhlig, H., 2005a. What are the effects of monetary policy...
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We offer retrospective and prospective assessments of the Diebold-Yilmaz connectedness research program, combined with personal recollections of its development. Its centerpiece in many respects is Diebold and Yilmaz (2014), around which our discussion is organized.
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El proceso de internacionalización que muchos bancos españoles han emprendido en años recientes ha resultado en la necesidad de un seguimiento más cercano de las economías en las que están presentes, especialmente para un organismo supervisor como el Banco de España. En este trabajo se...
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Este artículo propone un conjunto de modelos de Vectores Autorregresivos Estructurales Bayesianos (SBVAR), el cual es usado para: distinguir los principales choques que influencian a la economía española a través del tiempo, y proveer predicciones de PIB e inflación de corto y medio plazo....
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