Showing 31 - 40 of 370
This paper investigates the relative price and relative wage effects of a higher productivity in the traded sector compared with the non traded sector in a two-sector open economy model with imperfect substitutability in hours worked across sectors. The Balassa- Samuelson model predicts that a...
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Au sein d’un écosystème, plusieurs entreprises peuvent endosser le rôle de firme pivot. Cette recherche propose une grille de lecture permettant d’identifier qui et quelles caractéristiques permettent à une firme pivot de se positionner dans le rôle de leader dans les différentes...
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Under evaluative voting, the voter freely grades each candidate on a numerical scale, with the winning candidate being determined by the sum of the grades they receive. This paper compares evaluative voting with the two-round system, reporting on an experiment which used various evaluation...
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L’évolution de la société ainsi que la crise économique actuelle ont conduit à des interrogations portant sur la probité des économistes. Dans le cadre de son objectif de promotion du développement de la science économique, l’AFSE a élaboré une liste de bonnes pratiques en...
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This paper examines monetary and fiscal interactions in a framework where the government worries about political costs of low institutional quality and central bank opacity acts as a disciplinary device leading the government to reduce distortionary taxes and public expenditures. Greater opacity...
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Les investissements en R&D des entreprises sont sources d’externalités positives, justifiant ainsi les politiques d’innovation basées sur un mélange de subventions à la recherche et de propriété intellectuelle. Ces deux instruments correspondent à une manière d’encourager les...
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The aim of this contribution is to proceed to an in-depth exploration of the micro-context of the origin of routines and of their intimate link with organizational creativity. Our view is that organizational creativity orchestrates continuous interactions between different types of routines,...
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L’Autorité de la concurrence doit-elle, dans le cadre de sa fonction consultative, disposer de toutes libertés ? Retour sur l’avis n°12-A-01 du 11 janvier 2012 portant sur la distribution alimentaire à Paris Marc Deschamps1 ATER à l’Université de Lorraine, GREDEG-CNRS et BETA-CNRS...
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Since the seminal work of Becker, the dynamics of endogenous fertility has been based on the trade-off faced by parents between the quantity and the quality of their children. However, in developing countries, when child labor is an indispensable source of household income, parents actually...
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This article studies how a firm fosters formal and informal interaction among its employees to create a collective identity and positively influence their effort. We develop an agency model, in which employees have both a personal and a social ideal for effort. The firm does not observe the...
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