Showing 11 - 20 of 283
type="main" xml:id="rssc12056-abs-0001" <title type="main">Summary</title> <p>We propose a method for assessing variable importance in matched case–control investigations and other highly stratified studies characterized by high dimensional data (pn). In simulated and real data sets, we show that the algorithm proposed...</p>
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We consider a multivariate random effects model for clustered binary data that is useful when interest focuses on the association structure among clustered observations. Based on a vector of gamma random effects and a complementary log-log link function, the model yields a likelihood that has...
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Nonresponse weighting is a common method for handling unit nonresponse in surveys. A widespread view is that the weighting method is aimed at reducing nonresponse bias, at the expense of an increase in variance. Hence, the efficacy of weighting adjustments becomes a bias-variance trade-off. This...
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We propose a nonparametric multiple imputation scheme, NPMLE imputation, for the analysis of interval censored survival data. Features of the method are that it converts interval-censored data problems to complete data or right censored data problems to which many standard approaches can be...
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Surrogate outcome data arise frequently in medical research. The true outcomes of interest are expensive or hard to ascertain, but measurements of surrogate outcomes (or more generally speaking, the correlates of the true outcomes) are usually available. In this paper we assume that the...
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We develop an approach, based on multiple imputation, that estimates the marginal survival distribution in survival analysis using auxiliary variables to recover information for censored observations. To conduct the imputation, we use two working proportional hazards models to define an imputing...
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Due to the advent of high-throughput genomic technology, it has become possible to globally monitor cellular activities on a genomewide basis. With these new methods, scientists can begin to address important biological questions. One such question involves the identification of replication...
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Right censored data from a classical case-cohort design and a stratified case-cohort design are considered. In the classical case-cohort design, the subcohort is obtained as a simple random sample of the entire cohort, whereas in the stratified design, the subcohort is selected by independent...
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This research sequentially monitors paired survival differences using a new class of non-parametric tests based on functionals of standardized paired weighted log-rank (PWLR) and standardized paired weighted Kaplan-Meier (PWKM) tests. During a trial these tests may alternately assume the role of...
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The predictive accuracy of a survival model can be summarized using extensions of the proportion of variation explained by the model, or R^2, commonly used for continuous response models, or using extensions of sensitivity and specificity which are commonly used for binary response models.In...
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