Showing 31 - 40 of 927
The paper analyses how cooperation in a repeated social game may help to sustain cooperation in a "linked" repeated production game. We show that this may happen a)because of available "social capital", defined as the slack of punishment power present in the social repeated game, b) because,...
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We study three necessary conditions for work sharing to increase employment. First, there must exist a negative long-run relation between working time and employment. Second, hours per worker must be exogenous with respect to wages and employment. Third, policy makers must be able to influence...
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In this paper we propose an alternative method for investigating the sources behind the behavior of real wages and unemployment. The statistical model we study is a certain structural error correction model, a so called common trends model, which has become popular in the empirical...
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Simulations are used to check the probability of detecting a time-varying equilibrium correction by applying the existing tests of no cointegration and parameter constancy. Smooth transition regressions are chosen to describe the nonlinearity and the Johansen cointegration test and the Lin and...
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In the original model of pure price competition, due to Joseph Bertrand (1883), firms have linear cost functions. For any number of identical such price-setting firms, this results in the perfectly competitive outcome; the equilibrium price equal the firms’ (constant) marginal cost. This paper...
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What goes steady with private savings? This paper investigates reasons for the sustained growth in private savings in Indonesia since 1970, in a period characterized by economic growth, demographic changes, terms of trade movements, and financial liberalization. The main finding is that...
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This paper presents a general likelihood-based framework for inference in panel-VAR models with cointegrating restrictions. The cointegrating relations are restricted to each cross-section while the rest of the model is unrestricted. The homogenous restriction of common cointegrating space is...
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Existing tariff levels of many countries, and particularly of developing countries and on agriculture for most countries, still give plenty of scope for trade discrimination. For non-tariff barriers there is substantial scope for discrimination within and beyond the transitional arrangements of...
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According to the Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) condition, interest rate differentials compensate for expected exchange rate changes, equalizing the expected returns from holding assets which only differ in terms of currency denomination. In the previous literature, there are many tests of UIP...
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This paper studies the effects of real exchange rate depreciation in an economy with extreme liability dollarization using vector autoregression (VAR) methods. Bolivia's extreme liability dollarization makes it an interesting case for empirical testing of the contractionary-depreciations...
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