Showing 41 - 50 of 37,375
We consider upper and lower bounds for maxmin allocations of a completely divisible good in both competitive and cooperative strategic contexts. We then derive a subgradient algorithm to compute the exact value up to any fixed degree of precision.
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We study the problem of dissolving an equal-entitlement partnership when the objective is to minimize maximum regret. We initially focus on the family of linear-pricing mechanisms and derive regret-optimizing strategies. We also demonstrate that there exist linear-pricing mechanisms satisfying...
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An unceasing problem of our prevailing society is the fair division of goods. The problem of proportional cake cutting focuses on dividing a heterogeneous and divisible resource, the cake, among n players who value pieces according to their own measure function. The goal is to assign each player...
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In an incomplete information setting, we analyze the sealed bid auction proposed by Knaster (cf. Steinhaus (1948)). This procedure was designed to efficiently and fairly allocate multiple indivisible items when participants report their valuations truthfully. In equilibrium, players do not...
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In an experiment on a subjective claims problem we compare three unanimity bargaining procedures - the Demand, the …
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In an experiment on a subjective claims problem we compare three unanimity bargaining procedures - the Demand, the …
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In an experiment on a subjective claims problem we compare three unanimity bargaining procedures - the Demand, the …
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divide-and-choose once actors receive the possibility to deviate from the mandatory bargaining protocols of fair …
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