Showing 4,581 - 4,590 of 4,629
Although the focus of the EU is to increase economic performance and efficiency of the common market, in the last decade, the social issue has taken a new dimension and importance in the political agenda of the EU. This material realizes an analysis from a budgetary perspective of social...
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The paper deals with the brain drain phenomenon (rational minds migration), displayed inside the European Union, in close correlation with European tax competition. Speciality literature from the countries of the European Union deals with great responsibilty the migration process of the...
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El presente trabajo se ocupa de describir los principales rasgos que definen el Programa Nacional de Reformas (PNR), de octubre de 2005, que el Gobierno español elabora como respuesta a la relanzada Estrategia de Lisboa, surgida en el Consejo Europeo de Primavera de ese mismo año. El PNR se...
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Wall Street hyper-speculation brought the global economy to its knees in 2008-09.  To prevent a 1930s-level Depression at that time, economic policymakers throughout the world enacted extraordinary measures.  These included large-scale fiscal stimulus programs, financed by major expansions in...
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We examine the cross-country dispersion in fiscal outcomes during 2007-2009. In principle, international differences in fiscal policy may be related to differences in optimal fiscal positions, funding constraints, political economy factors and fiscal control problems. We find that the decline in...
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Este documento identifica y evalúa empíricamente los posibles canales de transmisión entre el balance fiscal y el balance en cuenta corriente y determina estadísticamente la posible causalidad ente ellos. Para el período analizado, no se encuentra una clara relación entre los dos balances,...
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Se presentan argumentos que indican que es necesario, ahora, diseñar una estrategia convincente de generación de superávit fiscales primarios futuros (permanentes) cuyo rango está entre 0.9% y 1.5% del PIB, de manera que el actual nivel de endeudamiento pueda ser juzgado sostenible. En tal...
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This paper describes recent trends on the efficiency of stabilisers in the European Union. Using both macro evidence on the cyclical sensitivity of budget deficit to economic activity, and micro evidence on the tax and expenditure profiles, we conclude, in agreement with the recent literature,...
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A recent literature has emerged providing compelling evidence that a major shift in the organization of the developed economies has been taking place: away from what has been characterized as the <I>managed economy</I> towards the <I>entrepreneurial economy</I>. In particular, the empirical evidence provides...</i></i>
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Analysis of the economic activity in the pre-crisis period of 2000-2008. shows a steady decrease in the efficiency of actual production in Russia. Many businesses come to a threshold of bankruptcy: the profitability and financial strength are low, their products are not competitive, sources of...
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