Showing 61 - 70 of 1,019
El propósito de este trabajo es determinar la importancia relativa de los costos de liquidez de los bancos dentro de los costos totales asociados a un cierto nivel de reservas. Este componente del costo total está determinado por la probabilidad que enfrenta un banco, en cada instante del...
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A pesar de que en Colombia se acepta la intuición de que "el nivel medio de la inflación anual no cambia durante lapsos de tiempo muy largos", la afirmación contraria de que esta "tiene una raíz unitaria" aparece con frecuencia en la literatura empírica. Una explicación a tal...
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En este trabajo se cuantifica el contenido informativo de los Índices de Confianza utilizados por el Banco de la República en la elaboración de su Informe sobre Inflación. Se estudian las frecuencias a las que ocurren sus variaciones y se comparan con las frecuencias de medidas similares de...
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Preliminary and delayed Colombian GDP reports are replaced with optimal in-sample now-casts of true" GDP figures derived from a model for data revisions. The new GDP time series is augmented with optimal out-of-sample forecasts and back-casts of the "true" GDP figures derived from the same...
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This paper shows that the Colombian sovereign risk (EMBI?Colombia) is mainly determined by international investors’ risk appetite, whose response is non?linear and depends on the government fiscal stance. It is also shown that the relationship between these variables experienced an important...
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Due to the fact that many reliable indicators of further inflationary pressures do not seem to work anymore, finding whether or not wages Granger cause prices is an important concern for policymaking. However, international evidence on the relationship between wages and prices does not show...
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Colombia has been on a steady disinflation path since the early 1990s. In this paper, we model the transmission mechanism of monetary policy during this disinflation. We describe how inflation evolves in response to important shocks that occurred during disinflation such as the terms of trade...
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The current implementation of the Fan Chart displays equal tail probability bands and do not take into account that the variable of interest may be subject to data revision. In this note I propose the use of Highest Probability Density, HPD, bands and include flexibility to display the risks...
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En este documento se propone utilizar la metodología de perfiles coincidentes propuesta por Martínez (2010), con el fin de determinar si un conjunto de indicadores obtenidos de encuestas de opinión y otras fuentes son coincidentes o líderes de los indicadores económicos observables y, que...
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We study the relationship between US and Colombian sovereign debt interest rates. We also evaluate the response of the Colombian long-term bond yield and other asset prices to shocks to the US long-term Treasury rate. Two empirical exercises are performed. First, we use a moving window linear...
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