Showing 581 - 590 of 698
The paper studies the Krugman’s CP model in the weakly explored case of asymmetric regions in two settings: international trade and agglomeration processes. First setting implies that the industrial labor is immobile, while second one consider mobile industrial labor and long-run equilibria....
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We analyze the impact of economic integration on the activities of multinational enterprises in a general equilibrium model with asymmetric countries. Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows are likely only to the extent that multinationals have not already shifted production to the integrating...
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This paper tries to understand the structural transformation in a global world. While employment and output have shifted out of the industrial sector and into services in the G7 countries, the majority of world manufacturing employment is now located in the developing countries of Asia,...
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In this paper we proposed and study the generalized model of economic growth with human capital accumulation. The existence of a balanced growth path (BGP, the trajectory with constant growth rates of all variables) can be proved for the model. The paper identifies the conditions of existence...
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In this paper we analyze how knowledge spillovers influence the optimal timing of R&D policy. We find that the optimal R&D subsidy profile may be falling, increasing or constant. The time profile of the subsidy rates is crucially dependent on the elasticity of scale in R&D production, i.e. the...
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The ratio of global trade to GDP declined by nearly 30 percent during the global recession of 2008-2009. This large drop in international trade has generated significant attention and concern. Did the decline simply reflect the severity of the recession for traded goods industries? Or...
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In this paper we first propose a proxy for the maturity of a country’s export bundle based on the product life cycle theory. Employing a conditional latent class model, we then examine the relationship between export maturity and economic growth for 98 countries during the period 1988-2005. We...
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This paper examines the pattern of international capital flows in a two–sector dynamic general equilibrium heterogeneous agent model with financial frictions and idiosyncratic entrepreneurial risk. Countries differ only with respect to the tightness of constraints on the domestic credit...
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This paper explores the influences of financial deepening on growth and its volatility. Following a review of the theoretical literature that has attempted to explain these relationships, the paper presents time series evidence –using GARCH models– for the cases of Mexico and the US. The...
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The optimal mix of growth policies is determined within a comprehensive endogenous growth model. The analysis captures important elements of the tax-transfer system and accounts for transitional dynamics. Currently, for calculating corporate taxable income US firms are allowed to deduct...
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