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Ce document porte sur les caracteristiques financieres des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) canadiennes prosperes.
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Dans ce document, on decrit la facon dont le programme analytique du groupe de la productivite de Statistique Canada est utilise pour ameliorer la qualite des produits. On y etudie, entre autres, la pertinence, la coherence et la possibilite d'interpreter les donnees.
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Dans ce document, on se concentre sur les nouvelles recherches qui analysent les industries de technologies de l'information et des communications et celles axees sur les sciences, les branches d'activite et les entreprises de la haute technologie, l'economie axee sur les connaissances et les...
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Le present document resume les resultats de plusieurs etudes de recherche menees par la Division de l'analyse microeconomique de Statistique Canada qui portent sur les repercussions de l'utilisation de technologies de pointe sur le rendement des entreprises. Ces etudes s'appuient a la fois sur...
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Considerable attention has been directed at understanding the structural changes that are generating an increased need for skilled workers. These changes are perceived to be the result of developments associated with the emergence of the new knowledge economy, whose potential is often linked to...
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The paper's main objective is to provide a concise synthesis of a wide array of data and research on multinationals originating in Statistics Canada, focusing on both historical and current studies. Chapter 2 discusses the macroeconomic contribution of foreign multinationals, focusing on two...
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This paper summarizes the findings of a research program aimed at outlining the importance to the firm growth process of competencies that arise from investments in intangible assets. The program has consisted of two parts. First, longitudinal databases have provided a rich set of studies on...
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This paper outlines broad changes in foreign ownership in Canada over the last forty years. It makes use of several different but complementary data sources that are produced by Statistics Canada to analyze the importance of foreign ownership in Canada. Over the last four decades, foreign...
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Le present document vise principalement a fournir une synthese concise d'une vaste gamme de donnees produites et de recherches menees a Statistique Canada sur les multinationales, portant sur des etudes tant recentes que plus anciennes. Au chapitre 2, nous examinons la contribution...
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This paper explores differences between innovative and non-innovative establishments in business service industries. It focuses on small establishments that supply core technical inputs to other firms: establishments in computer and related services, engineering, and other scientific and...
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