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The 1996 and 2002 farm bills moved government support toward decoupled tools rather than support coupled to production and/or prices. This paper analyzes whether areas with more production risk would prefer decoupled or coupled support. The results indicate areas with more yield risk would...
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The sensitivity of net cash farm income to changes in selected production variables, output prices, and input costs varies significantly across representative U.S. beef cattle operations. Larger changes in profitability result from changes in productivity and output prices than from changes in...
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This paper examines the impact of sex-sorted semen adoption on dairy farm level economics. Representative dairies are used to simulate the financial impacts of moving to this new technology. Key economic, financial and herd dynamics will be compared among dairies to show how the uses of...
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Ethanol production in 15, 30, and 80 million gallon per year production plants are analyzed at various subsidy levels. The results indicate that removing per plant subsidy limits allows reduced total state subsidy expenditures. This action takes advantage of the economies of scale inherent in...
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Many groups have discussed with alarm the impact of agricultural land conversion to non-agricultural uses. This research indicates little evidence that beef cow inventory has been negatively affected by land fragmentation. Average acres per transaction, total transactions, or a fragmentation...
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The sensitivity of net cash farm income to changes in selected production variables, output prices, and input costs varies significantly across representative U.S. dairies. Different regions of the country were impacted differently by changes to production and prices.
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Higher commodity price expectations have led to increases in cash lease rates nationwide. This study evaluates the farm level impacts of higher cash lease rates. Current levels of cash rents along with land tenure arrangements of specific farms are instrumental in determining the impacts of...
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Explaining the details and the impacts of government program provisions to agricultural producers can be a challenge for extension educators. This paper introduces a visual interactive tool that demonstrates the calculations of government payments established in the 2002 farm bill. Additionally,...
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The projections for feed and milk prices have changed over the last year. This study looks at how the changes affect the dairy industry. The high feed prices have been trumped by higher milk prices and the economic viability of the dairy industry has improved across the board.
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This study will examine the competitive advantages that exist under current conditions. Representative dairies are used to simulate the financial impacts of the different feeding practices and compared to those a few years ago. The results indicate that the dairies the raise a majority of their...
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