Showing 71 - 80 of 228
This work is devoted to the study of geophysical data by using different spline interpolation techniques. A spatial …
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This paper presents a method and computational technology for forecasting ambulance trips. We used statistical information about the number of the trips in 2009-2013, the meteorological archive, and the corresponding archive of the meteorological forecasts for the same period. We take into...
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In this study we use hedonic models to measure the influence of noise nuisance on rents, costs and values of investment properties in Switzerland. Countrywide data is provided by institutional real estate investors. The effects are measured for aircraft noise, road traffic noise and railroad...
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In this paper, a semi-parametric generalization of the Cox model that permits crossing hazard curves is described. A theoretical framework for estimation in this model is developed based on penalized likelihood methods. It is shown that the optimal solution to the baseline hazard, baseline...
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The complex of mathematical models of investigated indicators has been developed to study the dynamics of budget indicators, forecasttheir change and plan revenues and expenditures of state and local budgets appropriately. This is a linear dynamic model withconstant and variable coefficients,...
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A spline-DCS model is developed to forecast the conditional distribution of high-frequency financial data with periodic … behavior. The dynamic cubic spline of Harvey and Koopman (1993) is applied to allow diurnal patterns to evolve stochastically …
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In this study we use hedonic models to measure the influence of noise nuisance on rents, costs and values of investment properties in Switzerland. Countrywide data is provided by institutional real estate investors. The effects are measured for aircraft noise, road traffic noise and railroad...
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