Showing 51 - 60 of 126
Let [psi]i(u) be the probability of ruin for a risk process which has initial reserve u and evolves in a finite Markovian environment E with initial state i. Then the arrival intensity is [beta]j and the claim size distribution is Bj when the environment is in state j[set membership, variant]E....
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The waiting time distribution is studied for the Markov-modulated M/G/1 queue with both the arrival rate [beta]i and the distribution Bi of the service time of the arriving customer depending on the state i of the environmental process. The analysis is based on ladder heights and occupation...
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Let [tau](x)=inf{t0: Q(t)[greater-or-equal, slanted]x} be the time of first overflow of a queueing process {Q(t)} over level x (the buffer size) and . Assuming that {Q(t)} is the reflected version of a Lévy process {X(t)} or a Markov additive process, we study a variety of algorithms for...
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Consider the American put and Russian option (Ann. Appl. Probab. 3 (1993) 603; Theory Probab. Appl. 39 (1994) 103; Ann. Appl. Probab. 3 (1993) 641) with the stock price modeled as an exponential Lévy process. We find an explicit expression for the price in the dense class of Lévy processes with...
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Consider a random walk or Lévy process {St} and let [tau](u) = inf {t[greater-or-equal, slanted]0 : St u}, P(u)(·) = P(· [tau](u) < [infinity]). Assuming that the upwards jumps are heavy-tailed, say subexponential (e.g. Pareto, Weibull or lognormal), the asymptotic form of the P(u)-distribution of the process {St} up to time [tau](u) is described as u --> [infinity]. Essentially, the results confirm the folklore that level crossing occurs as result of one big jump. Particular sharp conclusions are obtained for...</[infinity]).>
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We study the tail asymptotics of the r.v. X(T) where {X(t)} is a stochastic process with a linear drift and satisfying some regularity conditions like a central limit theorem and a large deviations principle, and T is an independent r.v. with a subexponential distribution. We find that the tail...
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A key result underlying the theory of MCMC is that any [eta]-irreducible Markov chain having a transition density with respect to [eta] and possessing a stationary distribution [pi] is automatically positive Harris recurrent. This paper provides a short self-contained proof of this fact using...
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In a bonus-malus system in car insurance, the bonus class of a customer is updated from one year to the next as a function of the current class and the number of claims in the year (assumed Poisson). Thus the sequence of classes of a customer in consecutive years forms a Markov chain, and most...
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