Showing 201 - 210 of 34,943
and hospitals, and in many intermediate product markets. Recently, bargaining has played a central role in a number of …Bargaining is all around us. Bargaining is how prices are set across a range of economic activities such as between … — largely on the basis of a bargaining model. Also, in 2018, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission argued that Qualcomm's market …
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I study a discrete-time dynamic bargaining game in which a buyer can choose to learn privately about her value of the …
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bargaining entrée (only members of the winning dispositional coalition bargain over policy), (4) competitive offers (potentially …
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bargaining with two players. Nash's axioms extend to n players, but the search for a satisfactory n-player non-cooperative game … theory model of bargaining has been fruitless. I offer a simple static model that reaches a 50-50 split (or 1/n) as the … breakdown. Introducing asymmetry, a player who is more risk averse gets a smaller share in equilibrium. "Bargaining strength …
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We consider bilateral non-cooperative bargaining on the division of a surplus. Compared to the canonical bargaining … game in the tradition of Rubinstein, we introduce additional sources of friction into the bargaining process … month, quarter, or year. Bargaining rounds are of non-trivial length, so that counter-others may be made without triggering …
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In bargaining and negotiations, should one make the first offer or wait for the opponent to do it? Practitioners … support the idea that moving first in bargaining is a mistake, while researchers find strong evidence that first …-mover advantages appear in very reasonable and realistic bargaining situations. Among other results, it is also found that second …
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I study bargaining over prices between two investors in financial over-the-counter markets with asymmetric information … of a low asset valuation. I apply the concept of neutral bargaining solution to characterize the prices at which the … investors trade with each other. I illustrate the implications for asset prices in over-the-counter markets where private …
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We introduce aggregate uncertainty into a Rubinstein and Wolinsky (1985)-type dynamic matching and bilateral bargaining …
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offers, or both, prior to bargaining negotiations. We show that the timing of commitment attempts influences the goal of the …
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Using a sequential model of multilateral bargaining involving one buyer and two sellers, who are selling objects which … are imperfect compliments for the buyer, we analyse buyer's preferred bargaining order i.e. whether the buyer prefers to … exhibit high degree of complimentarity, multiple equilibria exist such that both the bargaining orders are preferred. For rest …
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