Showing 81 - 90 of 95,417
Everyone talks about GDP. Economists of all sorts care about GDP. From a layman to the lover of economics, from a … Globetrotter to a Geopolitical Strategist, GDP is a "go-to metric” to compare and examine the size and strength of nation …-states. Despite its popularity, GDP is a misnomer and it does not effectively measure gross domestic product, rather it captures gross …
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Economic research has considered Private Debt a determinant of GDP growth for years. By keeping this perspective, the … objective of this work is to understand how much of the GDP response to a monetary shock is due to the variation of private debt …
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We use U.S. county-level data to estimate convergence rates for 22 individual states. We find significant heterogeneity. E.g., the California estimate is 19.9 percent and the New York estimate is 3.3 percent. Convergence rates are essentially uncorrelated with income levels
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Mainstream economic research regards private debt as a determinant of GDP growth in the longrun. Levine (2005) surveys … focus from the long to the short-run and study whether private debt has a significant impact on GDP growth in the short …
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In this contribution, we study the decline of labor compensation's share of US GDP in the eighties and early nineties …
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We use US county level data (3,058 observations) from 1970 to 1998 to explore the relationship between economic growth and the extent of government employment at three levels: federal, state and local. We find that increases in federal, state and local government employments are all negatively...
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German Abstract: Das Competitiveness-Paradoxon ist ein Begriff, um folgenden Tatbestand zu kennzeichnen. Das World Economic Forum weist in seinem aktuellsten Global Competitiveness Report für beide Länder nahezu gleiche Werte des zusammengesetzten Indikators aus. Deutschland liegt auf Rang 4...
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creation, GDP, and tax revenue in the Province of Ontario using an input-output model. The paper documents the results of a … estimated $10 billion in employment income and increase the provincial GDP by an estimated $18.5 billion. This investment would …
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We use US county level data (3,058 observations) from 1970 to 1998 to explore the relationship between economic growth and the extent of government employment at three levels: Federal, state and local. We find that increases in federal, state and local government employments are all negatively...
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