Showing 91 - 100 of 238
Most of economists, who prefer either the classical trade theory or the latest emerging new trade theory, adhere to the doctrine of free trade. However, the perplexity between the theoretical ideology and ever-lasting protectionism in reality demonstrates that the political decision-making...
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Jeg vil i denne artikel forsøge at stille skarpt på fænomenet beslutning. Jeg vil undersøge, hvilke muligheder det giver at stille beslutningsproblematikken op inden for en kommunikationsteoretisk systemteori. Kommunikationsteori sættes i denne sammenhæng i modsætning til handlingsteori....
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Et øget konkurrencepres på virksomheder stiller stigende krav til fleksibilitet og evne til hurtig tilpasning til ændrede markedsvilkår. Mange virksomheder befinder sig i brancher, hvor deres fortsatte udvikling og overlevelse er tæt knyttet til deres evner til kontinuerligt at skabe og...
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The management consulting firms’ competence and capacity to provide high quality services and thereby create, transfer and develop managerial knowledge have an important role for the client firms and the society. The international management consulting associations have formulated Codes of...
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I en analyse af relationen mellem kollektivt entrepreneurship og bølger af ko-operativ udvikling blev en konklusion, at til trods for tendenser til øget betyd-ning af kollektivt entrepreneurship er der i dag ikke tendenser til en ny bølge af kooperativer, og at det kooperative ideal er en...
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This paper examines knowledge sharing in business environments and cultures that are hostile to knowledge sharing. We focus on knowledge sharing as it relates to individual behavior and management as guiding basically willing individuals. We elaborate the dimensions related to knowledge...
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Videnskaben og videnskabssynet er under forandring (Wenneberg, 1999e; Jensen & Wenneberg, 2000). Nye perspektiver og strukturer ser dagens lys. Mode 2, Triple Helix, ”the entrepreneurial university” er nogle af de mest kendte inden for videnskabs- og teknologi-forskningen. Fælles for disse...
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The aim of this paper is to give an overview of three important techniques; factor, cluster and discriminant analysis. I find it necessary and more important to have an understanding of the basic assumptions and the underlying foundations of the methods rather than a thorough mathematical...
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This article addresses the phenomenon of decision. I want to examine the possibilities of defining the question of decision within a communication-theoretical systems theory. In this context communication theory is defined in opposition to theory of action. The aim is to view decisions as...
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For many years, private companies have been intuitively understood as part of the economy in the same way that political parties are considered a part of politics and museums are considered a part of art. Today, concepts are linked together in ways that create immediate wonder. We have coupled...
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