Showing 101 - 110 of 238
Using the Mertonian ethos of science as the point of departure this paper discusses the norms of science in the light of the rapid changes which are taking place in contemporary research (e.g. described by Gibbons et al. (1994) and by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000). In conclusion, the paper...
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This report describes a transformation process that concerns competence development and total quality in an industrial production company. It investigates the cooperation between Grundfos, the world’s foremost global producer of water pumps, and Strandgaard Gruppen, a Danish...
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In this article I first argue that Immanuel Kant’s conception of the categorical imperative is important to his philosophy. I systematically, though indirectly, interconnect the cognitive and moral aspects of his thinking. Second, I present an interpretation of the Kantian ethics, taking as my...
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The State & University Library (Aarhus, Denmark) has developed – as a result of a long, self-induced process where Ankerhus Konsulenter i Udviklingsledelse A/S has had a role in some parts of the process - better orientation on clients, services and technology. The Library has also dismantled...
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Many observers have proclaimed the dawning of a new age – known as the new economy or the knowledge economy – in which society itself is on the verge of transformation through the use of knowledge. The flood of literature on the new economy and knowledge society associates a wide range of...
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This paper deals with issues related to management of industrial research. The overall research question is how industrial researchers can be managed to increase the company’s benefits. The relevance of this question is put into perspective by two main considerations. On the one hand, it is...
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This paper discusses the transnational regionalization in the Öresund area, where the ambition and will to regionalize has existed ever since the late fifties. However, from being futurism it has during the nineties turned into a huge project with many actors and resources organized around the...
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Tre spørgsmål er til behandling og diskussion i dette oplæg. Hvad er viden-skabens specielle karakteristika her i begyndelsen af det nye årtusinde? hvordan skal koblingen mellem videnskab og samfund håndteres? Og en lidt kortere behandling af et mere specifikt spørgsmål: hvordan skal vi...
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4 Background This paper summarises a grant proposal to the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA). The aim of this research project is to increase our understanding for factors that are crucial for creative working processes and innovative results in knowledge organisations. Its...
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Quality control is an important and integrated part of the scientific system. However, developments in science are changing quality control into quality monitoring. New virtual and fluid organisational forms are emerging. Common boundaries are broken as for example in the “Triple Helix” and...
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