Showing 21,991 - 22,000 of 22,057
This paper shows that changes in international competitiveness played a significant role in creating the deflationary pressure in Japan from 1980 to 2001. Applying Blanchard and Quah's (1989) SVAR technique to Dornbusch, Fischer, and Samuelson's (1977) classical comparative advantage model, we...
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This paper aims to investigate the actual nature of the interest rate pass-through to Turkish cash, automobile, housing and corporate loan rates. Focusing on the possibility of nonlinearity in the adjustment of lending rates due to financial market conditions and monetary policies, we adopt the...
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Bu çalışmada, Türkiye için 2003:01–2009:12 dönemi enflasyon oranı ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki doğrusal olmayan ilişki ve ekonomik krizlerin bu ilişkiye etkileri araştırılmaktadır. İlk aşamada doğrusal olmama sınaması sonuçlarına dayanarak enflasyon eşik değeri...
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A flexible statistical approach for the analysis of time-varying dynamics of transaction data on financial markets is here applied to intra-day trading strategies. A local adaptive technique is used to successfully predict financial time series, i.e., the buyer and the seller-initiated trading...
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Management seeks to ensure the best use of available resources in a specific, operational and strategic context. Leadership seeks to identify the best operational and strategic context for the use of available resources. For this purpose, the leader seeks to add to the organizational...
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A tanulmány az aukciós villamosenergia-tőzsdéken kialakuló óránkénti árak statisztikai jellemzőivel foglalkozik. Célja, hogy egyes legújabb kutatási eredmények alapján új megvilágításban mutassa be a villamos energia óránkénti árára jellemző főbb megállapításokat,...
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Tanulmányunk egyrészt arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, vajon helytálló-e a tőkepiaci árazási modell (CAPM) azon feltevése, hogy a piaci kockázat mérőszáma, a béta és a várható hozam között lineáris kapcsolat áll fenn. Másrészt nem tudjuk, hogy megalapozott-e a...
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In the last decades, electricity markets thoughout the Eurozone have undergone substantial changes. The deregulation of electricity markets stimulated investments in the production and distribution of energy, but there are large risks associated with these investments due to price volatility...
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We study the business cycles properties of the four largest European economies in the wake of the recent recession episodes. The analysis is based on the factors estimated from a multi-country and multi-sector data rich environment. We measure alikeness of business cycles by studying the...
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The paper studies daily interbank rate determination and volatility in the Dominican Republic during a major banking crisis. The investigation uses a novel, automatic, general-to-specific technology (PcGets) to reduce a baseline (mean) specification linking interbank rates and aggregate banking...
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