Showing 121 - 130 of 11,228
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Immanuel Wallerstein tarafından 1970’lerde geliştirilen “Modern Dünya- Sistemi” analizi bağlamında dış ticaret kavramını irdelemektir. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm, Modern DünyaSistemi analizinde kullanılan kavramların...
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All dogs have fleas, therefore all dogs have legs with which to scratch. Similarly, any government committed to a generally open trade policy will be pestered for ‘import relief’ by one industry or another – usually on grounds that its situation is ‘exceptional.’ It follows that...
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In this paper, international aid is examined as a tool for political agenda-setting. A theoretical model is constructed for the analysis, incorporating the incentives created by foreign aid, on the political benefits of recipient governments. The model also incorporates the compensating benefits...
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The European Union distinguishes itself in the world sugar market as the sole large exporter which also imports significantly. This position is a consequence of the strong protection offered to agricultural and industrial sugar sectors as well as to European ex-colonies, through agreements with...
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This paper proposes three tasks. It briefly delineates the character of the civilizing mission and the interests it served, especially the colonization of Asia and Africa. In addition, the claims of the civilizing mission and the neoclassical theory of trade are tested empirically by comparing...
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The problem of world poverty is always of importance. In the last 20-30 years ideologies that glorified globalization appreciated that from the accentuation of globalization all the countries in the worldwould benefit as much as possible, and in each country as many citizens as possible would...
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Integrácia mala v histórii Latinskej Ameriky vždy veľký význam. Procesy s ňou spojené sa zintenzívnili v druhej polovici 20. storočia a vyústili do troch vĺn regionalizmu. Tento príspevok sa zaoberá novým regionalizmom ako integračnou stratégiou zameranou na podporovanie rozvoja...
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Brazília vstúpila do 21. storočia po veľkej transformácii v deväťdesiatych rokoch 20. storočia. Nasledovali roky dynamického rozvoja, ktoré pribrzdila až svetová finančná kríza. Na minimálny pokles HDP a skutočnosť, že Brazília bola krízou zasiahnutá ako jedna z posledných...
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Integrácia má v Latinskej Amerike historicky veľký význam. Procesy s ňou spojené sa výraznejšie začali rozvíjať v druhej polovici 20. storočia, pričom rozlišujeme tri vlny regionalizmu. Starý regionalizmus šesťdesiatych a sedemdesiatych rokov 20. storočia má takmer výlučne...
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