Showing 1 - 10 of 361
We consider an asymptotic version of Mas-Colells theorem on the existence of pure strategy Nash equilibria in large games. Our result states that, if players payoff functions are selected from an equicontinuous family, then all sufficiently large games have an " pure, " equilibrium for all " 0....
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We consider anonymous games with a Lebesgue space of players in which either the action space or players' characteristics are denumer- able. Our main result shows that the set of equilibrium distributions over actions coincides with the set of distributions induced by equilib- rium strategies....
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Radzik (1991) showed that two-player games on compact intervals of the real line have " { equilibria for all " 0, provided that payo® functions are upper semicontinuous and strongly quasi-concave. In an attempt to generalize this theorem, Ziad (1997) stated that the same is true for n-player...
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We define social institutions as strategies in some repeated game. With this interpretation in mind, we consider the impact of introducing requirements on strategies which have been viewed as necessary properties for any social institution to endure. The properties we study are finite...
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We consider a two-player game in which one player can take a costly action (i.e., to provide a favor) that is bene¯cial to the other. The game is in¯nitely repeated and each player is equally likely to be the one who can provide the favor in each period. In this context, equality matching is...
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We present a simple proof of existence of subgame perfect equilibria in games with perfect information.
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We present two simple proofs of existence of subgame perfect equi- libria in continuous games with perfect information.
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We show that for any discount factor, there is a natural number M such that all subgame perfect equilibrium outcomes of the discounted repeated prisoners dilemma can be obtained by subgame perfect equilibrium strategies with the following property: current play depends only on the number of the...
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We characterize Nash equilibria of games with a continuum of players (Mas-Colell (1984)) in terms of approximate equilibria of large finite games. For the concept of ("; ") equilibrium in which the fraction of players not " optimizing is less than " we show that a strategy is a Nash equilibrium...
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We present a puri¯cation result for incomplete information games with a large ¯nite number of players that allows for compact metric spaces of actions and types. This result is then used to generalize the puri¯cation theorems of Schmeidler (1973), Rashid (1983) and Kalai (2004). Our proofs...
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