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This is a preliminary version of a prospective book which springs from concerted effort among several researchers in the fiels of industrial economics. This chapter is devoted to the strategic role of information in oligopoly, and more broadlyn, in monotone games in general.
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Generations of students and the reading public have been taught: (a) that it was Thomas Carlyle who called economics (political economy as it was known) "the dismal science" and (b) that he did so as a reaction to the pessimistic predictions of Malthus in relation to population growth and its...
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In this paper we develop a framework which is appropriate for the systematic investigation of the relationship between net (and gross) flows between different labour market states and movements in the unemployment rate. We use that framework to investigate the behaviour of net flows of persons...
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We develop a theory of public versus private ownership based on value diversion by managers. Government is assumed to face stronger institutional constraints than has been assumed in previous literature. The model which emerges from these assumptions is flexible and has wide application. We...
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Evidence of macroeconomic conditions impacting the earnings of men in Canada in a manner consistent with an implicit contracting framework is found using data from eleven cross-sectional surveys spanning the years 1981-1992. The estimates are similar to those found by Beaudry and DiNardo (1991)...
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Fertility and child mortality are supposed to have a two-way relationship. First, women who experience more child deaths go on to bear more children compared to women whose children survive. Second, the risk of children dying is higher among women who have been pregnant more times. Using a unit...
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Using the 1992 Australian Time-Use Survey, empirical estimates are obtained of the determinants of unpaid work in the household by each adult. Eight types of unpaid work are examined. Wage rate and demographic variables are found to exert most influence on household time devoted to unpaid work.
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The conventional formula for estimating the extended Gini coefficient is a covariance formula provided by Lerman and Yitzhaki (1989). We suggest an alternative estimator obtained by approximating the Lorenz curve by a series of linear segments. In a Monte Carlo experiment designed to assess the...
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The aim of this paper is to give a short description of the nature of books and journals, their respective editors, and the difficult process and proprieties involved in publishing papers. It describes some of the main features of the publication process, so that readers may be in a better...
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