Showing 1 - 10 of 438
Critical values for a test for cointegration are generated based on the joint significance of the levels terms in an error-correction equation. It is shown that the appropriate critical values are higher than those derived from the standard F-distribution. The power properties of this test are...
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Critical values for a test for cointegration are generated based on the joint significance of the levels terms in an error-correction equation. It is shown that the appropriate critical values are higher than those derived from the standard F-distribution. The power properties of this test are...
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Chow and Lin (1971) set out a procedure for the generation of higher frequency estimates for series for which data is available at a low frequency using data on a related series at the higher frequency. In this paper we set out a simple algorithm for the generation of quarterly estimates for a...
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In this paper we estimate limited dependent variable models for Bank of England monetary policy using monthly data over the period June 1997 to March 2003. During this period the Bank has had operational independence to set the interest rate in order to meet the inflation target set by the...
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This paper presents estimates of price functions for beef, lamb and pork for the UK economy which allow for the effects of the 1996 BSE crisis. Our estimates illustrate the importance of allowing for the joint endogeneity of prices in these markets. We show that the effects of this crisis had a...
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