Showing 14,591 - 14,600 of 14,653
The socio-economic inequality that has been growing for some time now is poison for social cohesion and representative democracy. In order to break through the indifference that still prevails towards socio-economic inequality and make more equality possible, people must become aware that the...
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Although affirmative action remains controversial, little is known about who supports or opposes it and why. This paper investigates preferences for affirmative action by combining causal evidence from an experiment on the role of self-serving motives and in-group favoritism with survey data on...
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Many experimental studies report that economics students tend to act more selfishly than students of other disciplines, a finding that received widespread public and professional attention. Two main explanations that the existing literature offers for the differences found in the behavior...
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We study whether the model minority stereotype about Asian Americans (e.g., hard-working, intelligent) reduces people's attention to inequality that adversely affects Asians. In a nationally representative US sample (N=3,257), we find that around 90% of the participants either moderately or...
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Gender inequality and discrimination still persist, even though the gender gap in the labor market has been gradually decreasing. This study examines the effect of the #MeToo movement on judges' gender gap in their vital labor market outcome-judicial decisions on randomly assigned legal cases in...
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Economic growth (i.e., GDP increase) is a key concept in economics and politics. It is regarded as indispensable for sustainably securing an adequate standard of living and as an important prerequisite for solving (or at least mitigating) social distribution problems. However, the ecological...
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This article discusses the case of the minimimum wage for Italy as a policy instrument to foster both social justice and productive efficiency. After briefly reviewing the empirical evidence on the effects of minimum wages upon employment, wage distribution and firm-level reallocation, it...
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In der Märzausgabe 2019 veröffentlichte der Wirtschaftsdienst einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel „Vorschlag zur Grundrente: ungerecht, ineffizient und teuer“ von Franz Ruland. Tim Köhler-Rama vertritt hier eine andere Auffassung, er plädiert für die Grundrente als Element des sozialen...
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Die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels ist in Deutschland ins Stocken geraten. Auf der UN-Klimakonferenz (COP24) im Dezember 2018 in Katowice musste die Bundesregierung unter dem wenig vorbildhaften Vorzeichen auftreten, dass die selbstgesteckten CO2-Minderungsziele von 40 % bis zum Jahr 2020 aller...
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Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil plant eine Grundrente. Sie erfordert eine 35-jährige Versicherungszeit und wird von der deutschen Rentenversicherung unabhängig von der individuellen Bedürftigkeit ausgezahlt. Leistungsberechtigt werden aber viele Personen, die nicht wirklich bedürftig...
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