Showing 101 - 110 of 619
In this paper we consider the problem of estimating a non-parametric regression function using the k nearest-neighbour method. We provide asymptotic theories for the least-squares cross validation (CV) selected smoothing parameter k for both local constant and local linear estimation methods. We...
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We examine some aspects of estimating sample autocovariances for spatial processes. Especially, we note that for such processes, it is not possible to approximate the expectation by the sample mean, like in the case of time series data. Then, we propose a consistent nonparametric estimation of...
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Critics of affirmative action policies contend that the elimination of racial preferences in college admissions would lead to a "more-able" student body. We develop a simple model comprised of three classes of college admissions--merit, race and legacy--to show that it is possible that a change...
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This paper considers the problem of estimating a partially linear semiparametric fixed effects panel data model with possible endogeneity. Using the series method, we establish the root N normality result for the estimator of the parametric component, and we show that the unknown function can be...
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A collection of jobs (or customers, or patients) wait impatiently for service. Each has a random lifetime during which it is available for service. Should this lifetime expire before its service starts then it leaves unserved. Limited resources mean that it is only possible to serve one job at a...
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In making admission decisions, many colleges have de-emphasized standardized test scores. Using data for seven cohorts of applicants to the University of Puerto Rico, we assess the ability of test scores and other proxies of academic potential to predict student GPA. We study sample selection...
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Waste stemmed from inappropriate quality control and excessive inventories is a major challenge for perishable food management in grocery retail chains. Improvement of visibility and traceability in food supply chains facilitated by tracking and tracing technologies has great potential to...
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This paper studies the least squares estimator (LSE) of the multiple-regime threshold autoregressive (TAR) model and establishes its asymptotic theory. It is shown that the LSE is strongly consistent. When the autoregressive function is discontinuous over each threshold, the estimated thresholds...
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This paper considers the problem of prediction in a panel data regression model with spatial autocorrelation in the context of a simple demand equation for liquor. This is based on a panel of 43 states over the period 1965-1994. The spatial autocorrelation due to neighboring states and the...
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Research in empirical health economics has found that the relationship between medical expenditures and age, income and other variables can be highly nonlinear. Moreover, men and women can have quite different medical expenditure patterns due to their differences in life expectancy. Thus it may...
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