Showing 21 - 30 of 583
In this paper we study the limiting distributions for ordinary least squares (OLS), fixed effects (FE), first difference (FD), and generalized least squares (GLS) estimators in a linear time trend regression with a one-way error component model in the presence of serially correlated errors. We...
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This paper surveys recent developments and provides Monte Carlo comparison on various tests proposed forcointegration in panel data. In particular, tests for two panel models, varying intercepts and varying slopes, and varying intercepts and common slopes are presented from the literature with a...
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Popular and policy discussions have focused extensively on "entrepreneurship." While entrepreneurship is often viewed from the perspective of the individual's benefits--an increase in standard of living, flexibility in hours, and so forth--much of the policy interest derives from the presumption...
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This note analyzes the asymptotic distribution for instrumental variables regression for panel data when the available instruments are weak. We show that consistency can be established in panel data.
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This paper studies estimation of panel cointegration models with cross-sectional dependence generated by unobserved global stochastic trends. The standard least squares estimator is, in general, inconsistent owing to the spuriousness induced by the unobservabla I(1) trends. We propose two...
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In this paper we propose two classes of test statistics for detecting a break at an unknown date in panel data models with time trend. The first one is the fluctuation test of Ploberger-Kramer-Kontrus (1989). The second one is based on the mean and exponential Wald statistics of Andrew and...
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Most of the existing literature on panel data cointegration assumes cross-sectional independence, an assumption that is difficult to satisfy. This paper studies panel cointegration under cross-sectional dependence, which is characterized by a factor structure. We derive the limiting distribution...
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This paper proposes a robust estimation procedure, the bounded influence estimate (BIS), which is robust against departure from the conditional normality of the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models to describe the behavior of exchange rates. First, the BIE identifies the...
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In this paper, we propose an estimation and testing framework for parameter instability in cointegrated panel regressions with common and idiosyncratic trends. We develop tests for structural change for the slope parameters under the null hypothesis of no structural break against the alternative...
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This paper provides an overvie of topics in nonstationary panels: panel unit root tests, panel cointegration tests, and estimation of panel cointegration models. In addition it surveys recent developments in dynamic panel data models.
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