Showing 201 - 210 of 335
In this paper we use a computable general equilibrium model to study the impact of a trade shock and a tariff reform on household poverty for an archetype developing country. Unlike other studies, we present the income distribution of each household group as a Beta statistical distribution....
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This paper aims to evaluate the relevance of different types of macroeconomic general equilibrium modelling for measuring the impact of economic policy shocks on the incidence of poverty and on the distribution of income. In the literature three approaches are identified. The first is based on a...
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This paper provides a test of efficiency of consumption decisions in households with many decision-makers. It also presents a method of determining the number of these decision-makers. Information on some distribution factors in needed to implement this approach.
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We construct a model of valuation to assess the financial fragility of a set of firms in a closed economy. A firm is identified with a possibly infinite random sequence of benefits. Firms with negative benefits in a given period are said to be in distress and need liquidity to refinance their...
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Cet exposé s'attarde à expliquer les mouvements dans la productivité du travail. Le but de cet ouvrage est de tester les résultats théoriques de Horning (1994). Celui-ci propose des mouvements procycliques du "labour hoarding" comme solution aux problèmes encourus par les modèles des...
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We use the Monte-Carlo (MC) test technique to find valid p-values when testing for discontinuities in jump-diffusion models. While the distribution of the LR statistic for this test is typically non-standard, we show that the MC p-value is finite sample exact if no other (identified) nuisance...
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In this paper, we develop a growth model in which human being is a production factor which can be combined with a fixed factor, say land, to produce a homogeneous commodity. Saving, so to speak, can only be made through having children, the number of which is an endogenous decision to the...
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Cet article présente de manière non technique certains des fondements théoriques possibles de l'hypothèse de Porter selon laquelle, des réglementations environmentales strictes peuvent améliorer le profit des industries qui y sont soumises. Après une brève présentation de l'hypothèse,...
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We consider a market with three competitors, two of which decide to cooperate. Firms first choose capacity under demand uncertainty then compete in quantities after the uncertainty has been resolved. We specify strategic alliance (SA) as an agreement where two airlines jointly choose capacity...
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