Showing 151 - 160 of 62,126
This paper considers the classical newsvendor model when demand is normally distributed but with a large coefficient of variation. This leads to observe with a non-negligible probability negative values that do not make sense. To avoid the occurrence of such negative values, first, we derive...
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This paper develops methods of Bayesian inference in a sample selection model. The main feature of this model is that the outcome variable is only partially observed. We first present a Gibbs sampling algorithm for a model in which the selection and outcome errors are normally distributed. The...
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This analysis shows that multivariate generalizations to the classical Heckman (1976 and 1979) two-step estimator that account for cross-equation correlation and use the inverse Mills ratio as a correction-term are consistent only if certain restrictions apply to the true error-covariance...
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This thesis consists of four papers concerning modelling of count data and tourism demand. For three of the papers the focus is on the integer-valued autoregressive moving average model class (INARMA), and especially on the INAR(1) model. The fourth paper studies the interaction between...
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In this paper we present a non-linear demand system for households' joint choice of number of trips and days to spend at a destination. The approach, which facilitates welfare analysis of exogenous policy and price changes, is used empirically to study the effects of an increased CO2 tax. In the...
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This work analyzes health care consumption behaviors. We focus on their impact on health care distribution within the French population. We run analyses on individual data and make use of microsimulations in order to evaluate the effects of the heterogeneity of individual behaviors. We propose...
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Apres avoir precise la difference entre imprecision et incertitude, l'auteru montre dasn son introduction au travers d'une reflexion sur la theorie des probabilites, que la theorie subjectiviste des probabilites, a condition d'abandonner l'axiome d'additivite, est plus proche d ela theorie des...
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Conventional wage analyses suffers from a debilitating ailment: since there are no observable market wages for individuals who do not work, findings are limited to the sample of the population that are employed. Due to the problem of sample selection bias, using this subsample of working...
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A multivariate extension of the standard labour supply model in presented. In the multivariate time allocation model leisure is disaggregated into a number of non market activities including sports, volunteer work and home production. Using data from the 2000 UK Time Use Survey, a linear...
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A multivariate extension of the standard labour suppy model is presented. In the multivariate time allocation model leisure is disaggregated into a number of non market activities including sports, volunteer work and home production. Using data from the 2000 UK Time Use Survey, a linear...
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