Showing 701 - 710 of 792
Models of household economics require an understanding of economic interactions in families. Social ties, repetition and reduced strategic uncertainty make social dilemmas in couples a very special case that needs to be empirically studied. In this paper we present results from a large economic...
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Using a general equilibrium model with private R&D financing, this article investigates the impact of trade openness to trade on growth and on welfare for two countries equal in all aspects, except for the quality of credit markets. We show that opening to trade increases growth in the country...
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Over the 1960s and 1970s, France undertook a large-scale expansion of preschool enrollment. As a result, during this period, the enrollment rate of 3 years old children rose from 35% to 90% and that of 4 years old rose from 60% to virtually 100%. This paper evaluates the eect of such an...
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Building upon the classical concept of Holder continuity and the notion of "continuous implementation"introduced in Oury and Tercieux (2009), we define Hölder continuous implementation. We show that, under a richness assumption on the payo proles (associated with outcomes), the following full...
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This article surveys the literature studying the links between unemployment and the family. First, we focus on the interactions between familiy status and un- employment risks. Being in a couple rather than single, as the number of children influence unemployment duration. In turn, unemployment...
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We apply the idea of relation contracting to a very simple problem of regulating a single-product monopolistic firm when the regulatory instrument is a fixed-price contract, and quality is endogenous and observable, but not verifiable. We model the interaction between the regulator and the firm...
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As suggested by D. Geltner, commercial properties indices have to be built using repeat sales instead of hedonic indices. The repeat sales method is a means of constructing real estate price indices based on a repeated observation of property transactions. These indices may be used as benchmarks...
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La loi LRU (loi relative aux libertés et responsabilités des universités) change la structure du pouvoir au sein des universités françaises. Seuls les membres du conseil d'administration (CA) prennent part à l'election du president, alors qu'auparavant, les membres du conseil scientifique...
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In this paper, we generalize the study of the return to education undertaken in e.g. Laing, Palivos and Wang (1995) or Burdett and Smith (2002) to an environment where the link between education and employment stability is taken into account. This enables us to study how an European-like and...
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We oer a model of equality of opportunity that encompasses dierent conceptions expressed in the public and philosophical debates. In addition to circumstances whose eect on outcome should be compensated and eort which represents a legitimate source of inequality, we introduce a third factor,...
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